Tuesday, September 20, 2016

10 Reasons to Break-Up

1. Dating a guy who dates, multiple people...
Especially without him telling you about it, that's someone who's showing signs of not being ready to get married or being ready for a transparent relationship. You know the relationship has no long-term potential. After dating for a while, if you realize that the relationship will eventually run its course, ending it is likely the best thing for both of you. You want to find someone who will be in it for the right reasons.

2. Dating someone who wants sex before marriage
If you are dating someone who does not have the same convictions as you do about sexual abstinence prior to marriage, it's a sign of spiritual immaturity.Drop him!
3. If someone else is on your mind, "you're single"...
You are in a relationship, but you are always thinking about someone else or your ex. The relationship has run its course. Maybe you thought things could change... you might develop feelings for him, but things are still the same... it's never too late! Get out now. When the relationship feels over, let it be over. Don’t cling to it just because you have wasted so much time on it already.

4. You’ve been hurt physically or emotionally.
Some damage can’t be undone. Staying in an abusive relationship will only deepen those wounds with time, it won’t heal them. Seek professional help if you’re not sure how to leave.

5. You fight Wrong
Every relationship has its moments of friction. But when you guys fight, you fight like crazy. I am not talking about simple silence ... I mean the door banging, name calling and making threats like " I will kill you in your sleep" You fight over everything and when you do, you both fight dirty.  Nothing is off limits... you both drag up incidents from the past that you had thought were long behind you and you both aim deliberately for each other’s weak spots. You know she’s sensitive about her weight...and you bring it up. If you can't be fair, maybe you are not mature enough to be in a relationship.

6. You Cry Because of Your Relationship All the Time
You tell everyone you are in a great relationship. You love him and he loves you. But the problem is, you cry almost everyday because of him. This is a huge sign. How do people miss this? Crying because you are in a relationship doesn't make sense. So stop making excuses for why and take this as a sign you need to break up. Wake-up, he/she is not the last person in the world. Someone else is crying, praying and begging God to find a person like you. If you are crying over little things like he hasn't texted you back... he hasn't called.There is definitely something wrong with your relationship. Every relationship has its ups and downs. But if you can’t remember the last time either of you laughed or had a great time together, assess the health of your relationship. Are you staying because you want to? Or is it because you think you will never find somebody else?

7. You want him to quit his Job
He's a Plumber/Welder/Charcoal truck driver/Bar man... But you are not with his career. You love him, but you wish he could get another job. If you have to lie to your friend that he is a Lawyer when he is not, then there is a problem. You either have to accept his career or leave the guy alone. Regardless of what it is, if you are imagining your life with him in a way that includes him having a different job, you need to stop fooling yourself... because he may never give up on his plumbing career. If you can be in a happy relationship while he's tending bar, enjoy your happy relationship. If your happiness depends on him changing his job, accept that you are not in a happy relationship

8. You Are Staying in This Relationship Mainly for Cable
Yes, premium cable may be expensive. I get that you can't afford to double your cable bill and that your boyfriend has every channel under the sun, but no television show, is worth your soul. So if every time you start thinking about breaking up with your boyfriend you start considering your addiction to the TV Shows and how you will never find out what happens with so and so, let it go... Premium channels do not make a relationship work. ZNBC is free!Make it work for you.

9. Long Distance Love...

He claims to love you, but he doesn’t make the effort to visit you in your city. Listen! A man must visit you first. Just like the egg does not go to the sperm, the sperm must go to the egg, and when you are the one constantly making effort, you are chasing him. Long distance is tricky and requires a guy to really step it up and showing up is the only proof of interest...Skype dates do not count! I mean he has to show up in person.See him eye to eye ball.  If he isn’t intrigued enough by you to make an effort to visit you and move things further, it simply means that he isn’t interested enough. Don’t wait for him and don’t reply to him anymore. His good mornings/good night  texts just keep you on a convenient leash for him to feel desired by a female, meanwhile he doesn’t have to do anything to make anything happen to be with you. A few touches on a cell phone keypad should not be counted as an effort to be your suitor. You deserve to be wined and dined this very weekend, not held hostage in a dead end long distance relationship. Emotional bonding with a man who hasn’t even taken you out on a proper date makes you powerless.

Cool it now! This long distance relationship doesn’t have to be so tiring for you anymore. As a diamond, you let the guy do the chasing... towards YOU. If you walk away and he doesn't chase you, keep walking please. And write him off! And there is no need to find out why he isn't interested in visiting. You have video chatted and talked over the phone for countless hours, but no visit, so he isn’t even worth your precious time. Your time is valuable, isn’t it?

10. You only happy with city life
If you can't both be happy in one location together, you do not have a happy relationship because by definition, one of you will always be in a place that you don't want to be in. If your relationship is only good under the city lights...and sour when you hear he wants to move to Mpika to live on his grand father's farm far away from the city lights, you two are just not meant for each other. If she will only be happy in Lusaka, and not in Mpika away from Manda Hill...then stop imagining what your relationship would be like when you two are together. You need to start evaluating the relationship as it is... in a place that actually exists. Logistics can sometimes be a sign that you are not meant for each other.Pastors if you know you are called to preach in the wilderness don't go for a city girl...you will be apart for the rest for your marriage.

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