Saturday, September 24, 2016

How To Become Wife Material

Till death do us apart’, but unfortunately most couples are getting divorced rather than getting their happily ever after’s. Truth be told, basing marriage on physical attraction alone is a huge mistake and people realize that mistake only after their marriage leads to divorce.
I know we all want to get married, but what are the qualities one should have as a woman to be considered “wife material” and especially if you want achieve long lasting marriage or happiness in marriage?
Oh well, if you are interested in becoming or being “wife material” and an ideal wife and successful marriage then keep reading. Sadly, most women don’t think much at all about becoming wife material.
Nevertheless, they will depend upon pretty eyelash, thick lips, bigger boobs, perfume, clothes flattery and sex to hook a man. But what good are those in homemaking and in proper and effective feminine nurturing?
A marriage certificate is very similar to having a license to practice medicine or law. I bring that idea up because bringing children into the world when you cannot take care of them, or when you are unwilling or unable to nurture and guide them properly, should be made very difficult for a couple. Ignorance when it comes to bringing up children should not be an excuse. We need to have a license to drive a car or flying a jet, don’t we? So why not for raising children? So why not for being a good husband or wife? In addition, just because a couple is in their late 40’s, matured, lovely, is no proof that they are prepared for the responsibilities of parenthood or marriage.

Interestingly, it is much more crucial for women to have the right personality for marriage than for men. This is due largely to the fact that women are naturally nurturers, not providers, and due to the fact that women are the natural relationship experts, not men.

A high value woman who is submissive to her man and who has traditional and vintage values,) has to do the larger part of the “adjusting” to marriage than a man does. Such a woman usually or often has to give up her name (and so she should give up her name if she is a traditional woman,) as well as her job, her residence, and her male friends (for the sake of their marriage.) She will then need to spend the greatest part of her day becoming/being a good wife and homemaker… whereas her husband will only need to serve actively in the role of husband for a few hours a day… while the rest of his time is spent concentrating on and fulfilling the role of provider.
A high value man he will need to give his wife, and any children they have, his best leadership efforts, and his attention, affection and protection and for the sake of the marriage, he will need to be sexually and emotionally faithful to his wife, and he, too, should distance himself from any friends of the opposite sex.
If a woman is not prepared to do the following things, she is not ready to be a wife or to be wife material:
Hold a regular position as a serious wife and homemaker.
Submit to her husband.
Nurture her family.
Be a good mother and caretaker.
Be a good “helpmeet” for her husband.
Be a faithful lover.
Be an interested and interesting companion. 
The skills and talents necessary for becoming wife material
A woman may not have all the necessary skills to begin with for becoming wife material or for the career of marriage. (Yes, marriage is a career) For a woman with traditional values, a loving family is far more important than a successful career or any combination of powerful skills and controls. And that is being a real woman. The skills a woman desires to develop as a woman are those which will bring her the love or marriage she naturally craves in life. A woman is a nurturer, not a provider and that is what she was created to be. A good woman should always desire to create a cozy home and an ideal environment for her family an environment conducive for personal growth, learning, happiness and success. She
is supposed to know or learn how to solve domestic problems and how to make her home orderly and harmonious and pleasant.

Every woman should know how to:
Clean the house.
Buy groceries and household goods.
Childcare and child training.
Every woman must have a supportive, warm and friendly environment upon which she can depend.
She needs a loving and devoted man and is aware that women and men truly do need each other.
She needs a place where she can relax and to raise her children free from the fears and the angers of the outside world.
In this article,  we shall be looking into some of the requirements of becoming wife material and at some things a woman needs to carefully consider before she marries.
Marriage preparatory courses
Since most women do end up marrying and having children, why do we not have marriage preparatory courses or “wife schools” available in every town and city or lessons on achieving a SUCCESSFUL marriage available in high school or college? If marriage is to be a recognized career, a diploma or certificate which states that a woman is qualified to marry and make a home would be ideal. KRA is specialized in teaching young women and girls how to be charming and attractive to men, and how to become gracious and hospitable ladies… often with a successful marriage as their chief goal. I think high schools and colleges should have the same thing. But in those places, there is very little said, let alone, taught, about the subject of marriage or lessons on becoming wives.
Questions every woman should ask herself before marriage
Am I really emotionally/mentally mature and grown up?
Am I feminine and nurturing and soft as a woman?
Can I put my husband above myself?
Could I apply my feminine charm and social graces to the advancement of my husband and to enrich his design for living?
Would I be willing to give my husband sex every day?
Do I have sufficient sex appeal?
Do I have an interesting and harmonious personality?
Wives do need to cultivate and maintain their personality and sex appeal.
Could I manage a household with reasonable efficiency?
Would I be a good companion and helpmeet to my husband?
Could I identify with my husband’s work and mission in life, share in his problems and troubles, and give him a sense of peace, understanding, encouragement and security… resulting in higher achievement?
Could I use my business training or creativity to help my husband get ahead?
A woman can always use her business training and help her husband by keeping books and budgeting the household and other expenses.
Would I make a good parent?
Could I make money at home or earn a living due to any unexpected reverses?
Could I stay feminine and soft if I need to work?
Such skills can be, and in my personal opinion, are more useful to any woman.

A few questions for you:
What type of influence are you exerting in your home?
What type of life and home-life ~ are you creating?
What sort of family lineage would you like to create?
A woman of substance?
A woman of excellence?
A woman of virtue?
Your family should be considered as your own royal house, dear heart ~ with you as its ruling queen, and your man as its ruling king. How do you begin to do that, to take the first steps?
You can begin to do that, and continue to do that, with:
Positive and constructive thinking.
Positive and constructive assumptions and expectations.
There is one quality that very important and that quality is Faith.
The Bible says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The loss of your faith would be the greatest loss you can possibly suffer.
P.S You can love your husband even if he has no job, and even if you do not love him (which I am certain is not the case with you,) as a true woman of God, you are not going to desert him when he is jobless.

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