Monday, September 19, 2016


Be prepared...
Because by the time finish reading this article, you will be a changed man/woman... you will re-assess your behavior in your relationships.... and this could also help you mend the cracks in your marriage/relationship.
Look at how much Mr Tembo treats his wife...
He just bought his wife a new BMW... but you, you can't even buy me a second hand car...
Last month he took his family to South Africa...
He just bought another plot and you have none...
Look at how much money he makes...
I make more money than you... I can leave you anytime
Everything in the house is mine...
I have a better job than you...
Other men are travelling all over the world and making money... not you?

Does this sound like you?

"Smile" How can a man find peace... and feel like he is at a spa with such kind of nagging... how can he find encouragement to do better... With constant reminders of his inferiority by YOU? It's impossible! Such kind of talk and will force him to seek peace and praise outside your marriage... like an understanding girlfriend. Sometimes, wives you force your loving husbands to cheat. You never have time for him... every weekend you have a kitchen party to go to...
Never a weekend to spend quality time with your husband at home, giving him undivided attention. If you are not out, you are ever on the phone chatting with your girlfriends

And your  husband waits... a-n-d waits.

GRADUALLY, your husband turns to, other things to fill his waiting time and loneliness..
And all the time he desperately wanted to spend with you is now turning to other things"smile"
And before you know it... you find yourself  making statements such as:

You are always busy with your Facebook
You always out drinking with your friends
Don't I exist anymore?

Hun, it may be too late because his habit of being alone is now deeply rooted... and you caused it yourself.

A real woman to a husband, she is the sun that shines all day long...
She is the chain that binds the family together---through prayer.
There is nothing that would force a man out of his house as long as the Proverbs 31 is in it... Oh Yeah! Nothing but work... which he does to provide for his family and often welcomed home with a kiss (you are not oppressed by doing that) not with nagging. Hint: No man wants to come home to a dirty or fifth house... Anyways, enough for today. You can enroll in the KRA wife school if you want to learn more.  

1. When you keep calm as a lady, it drives men crazy... keeping him thinking that there is some thing peculiar about you.
2. When he sends you an abusive message, do not reply back with abusive words, as a high value woman your reply should be. "I'm sorry" Or "thank you" and end there...
3. No man likes to be talked back to. If you must be a wife material, just shut up. When he is calm, talk things over...
4. Don't be arrogant, be humble...
5. Don't be carried away by your beauty. Haven't you seen plenty of beautiful ladies that are still single? Your good character keeps him.
6. Do not compare him with your EX. There are thousand of other ladies out there. Forget about the past, you are a new creature, old things have passed away... don't let the old occupy your new space.
7. Don't always be at the receiving end, buy him something, no matter how small, whether he has thousands of them, just buy it, yours is unique... because it's from you: -)
8. Pray for him, that's the only way to keep a man close to your heart...
9. Respect him and his family members... (insulting his mother is a BIG NO, remember--she gave birth to him for You. Better be thankful)
10. Be a good cook, learn how to cook something. Some ladies can't even fry eggs...
11. Call him when you have airtime... don't always wait for him to call.
12. Value yourself, and he will value you...
13. If he doesn't have today does not make him poor, look at what drives Him...
14. Look out, if he is a time waster or he is for real...
15. Can he "fight" both physically and spiritually for
16. Where is he in God's presence or is he on the other side?
17. Don't confuse love making with true love. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
18. What you can't change in HiM, now that you are dating, am sorry in marriage you won't be able to change it either, or you will spend the rest of your life trying to change him.
19. You are dating and he punches you at every
Slightest misunderstanding... Sorry, when you marry
him, your bedroom will be a "changing room" and your
sitting-room a "boxing Ring"
20. Every little time, he threatens to break up with
you. You start crying, if you leave me, I will die... oh I will do this and that..Really? Just in case you didn't know any man who be lucky to have you, but you have to believe it for yourself!
21. Above all. Ask yourself! What is GOD is saying about
this Relationship? May God open your eyes if you are
already into one, and if you are still searching May God
lead you in Jesus name....
22. Genesis 2:22... and Brought her to the man. It's ONLY God who can BRING you to your Husband. Fill your life with Prayer. Let His light shine in you because that's what attracts a GOOD husband not your mini skirt.
23. If you are going to make Love with the person you Love so much, do it wearing the safest thing - A wedding ring.
24.  You may look pretty when you look at yourself, you see Brazilian hair,pretty nails and your lovely skin, but you have no idea of the Dirt that is in your spirit...deadly soul ties. Say No to sex... safe sex is AVOIDING it completely.
25.You don't need a new boyfriend whose better than your ex, it's only JESUS that you need... There is a cleaning that has to take place in you, motivational world cannot clean you, going to church doesn't mean you are clean, but the Blood of the one who died for you, Jesus Christ is the only one who can do justice to you.
26. Don't be angry because someone rejected you. Sometimes, rejection 
is God trying to protect you... so be thankful

And lastly, my advice to the under 30's

1. Begin to put money in the bank and learn to leave it there...
2. Date the right person... (Get the book... Dating with a Purpose)
3. Get your own place, stop having roommates...
4. Get out of debt...
5. Step Out of your comfort Zone 
6. Surround yourself with people that will take you a step ahead...
7. Start to accumulate a fortune and wealth...
8. Learn to dress WELL not sexy...
9. Accept that you are an adult and act like it...
10. Let go of the past and look forward to the future..
11. Practice Psalm 119:133 (Missing one step can take you 10 years backwards)
12. Trust God with Your Life He can do more with it than you can...
13. Read Acts 3:19 Surrender Your Life to God.... REPENT is the Word...
14. Don't leave for the one who comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy John 10:10 say YES to the LIFE giver Jesus...

Comments/Advise send an email to :

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