Monday, September 19, 2016

Wake up call for Husbands...your family is counting on you!!

Remember when you first got married... you were such a happy couple... just the two of you? I know, it’s hard to remember the days without most of the distractions that come with money and a busy work schedule, but try. Remember how you were able to put time into your marriage pretty easily? I mean, you were very intentional,  it was easy to set date nights, and have romantic dinners at any time of the day, because it was just the two of you in that small flat...remember? Before you started driving? I mean before you even knew that one day you will have a mansion...remember? If you wanted to go somewhere, you went. But what happened? Why has your wife suddenly become boring to you?
I know your homeboys are already saying “come on man, that’s just life!”, and to a point, I guess it’s true. But your family is very important and God is counting on you as the head of that home...He has trusted you to raise that family and head that family in the right direction. It might not be as fast an effect as an affair, but let me tell you, if you allow all those “life things” to sneak in and take over, without really even noticing it,  they can ruin your marriage as if you had an affair with another woman. But truth be told, you can't be a good husband without God, you can't lead wife from the devil's territory from for a marriage that was authored by God.

Your  marriage  has gone from “the two of us are the priority”, to “I have to spend time with my business partners”. And you might even convince yourselves that “it’s only for a little while”, or “when the business grows we will, we’ll pick up where we left off!”, but it’s not, and you won’ might be too late. Spending all night business meetings with the so called business partners will ruin your marriage. Your kids need you not the toys that you keep buying for them...your wife needs you to be around to raise those kids with her...don't mistake her for a security office to take care of your home while you party with your business partners all night long. Listen, another man out there is crying day and night for a wife like don't want to lose your wife do you?
Don't let all that “business stuff” take over the real priorities, your kids and your wife... Slowly but surely, “business” can easily start to sit in between you and your family, and before you know it, you realize that you haven’t spent any time with your kids in three months...but the question is who are you really working hard for? Is it the very family you are risking to lose? Ever thought about it? I know you are smart and I know you have already thought about it and willing to make changes to your schedule...have time for your family and most of all have time for God...who will keep the devil far from your family...because even the devil is envious of your marriage that's why he wants to destroy it, but I pray that it's not too late for you to change. You are starting 2015 as a new man.
It's time to make your marriage and family a priority... put in the energy required, to stay close to each other. I know after a while we stop caring as much and start thinking marriage must just get like this after a while... that's a lie from the pit f hell. God wants you to enjoy your marriage. Without even noticing it, we have bought into the lie the world keeps telling us that says “You won’t be in love with your spouse your entire marriage!” and “After a while the romance goes away.” Really?  If that's your way of thinking it's time for a marriage make over and I help!
Still reading*smile* I am sure you are saying,  Kay Rose I wish you knew just how bad and nagging my wife is...she is such a joy drainer and my kids are also energy suckers they are always asking me for things I can't afford... I need my "me" time. I hear you and I understand and guess what? It’s OK to GET AWAY once in a while to unwind , even if it’s for a few hours! It’s OK to sneak away with your once in a while with your buddies especially when the kids get older not when they are still “little”. It doesn’t make you a bad father! It actually makes you better parent, because you will come back recharged, closer to your wife, and ready to face “the marriage stuff” again! Friends and business are GREAT, but you can’t make them the PRIORITY over your family and marriage! No amount of money can buy back the years you are losing by not spending time with your family...driving a Mercedes or Hammer while your family is falling apart is a waste of money. Every day is a gift don't take your wife and kids for guaranteed. Embrace them instead, be kind and loving to your wife and children.
So next time you get home from a 10 hour day at work, and as soon as you walk in the door, you start in on the “life list” that need to be done, helping with dinner, the lawn,  washing the cars, playing with the kids – I don’t need to keep going – REMEMBER ...I am sure you know that it's God who gives the power to gain wealthy...with that said, your wife holds the keys to your answered prayers... God does not answer the prayers of a disrespectful and unfaithful husband. If you are NOT treating your wife with honor and respect,  ALL your praying is in vain. Why? Because your wife’s tears are blocking the Lord’s ears. “You may flood the Lord’s altar with tears. You may weep and wail but the Lord will not hear you or accepts your offering with pleasure from your hands. Ok. I am not making this up. It's in the bible find time to read Malachi 2:10-16 and 1 Peter 3:7 I am just trying to help!
God wants STRONG families and He is depending on's time to be the priest of your home! For comments r advice I can be reached at

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