Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Does he call you babe? Well, think again!!

You are an Angel! Now that’s compliment, don’t you think? :-)
That’s something I certainly wouldn’t mind being described as*wink*Though these days, so many people are saying “hey, babe!” “How are ya babe?” “What’s up babe!” “how you doin babe?” “love ya babe!”
I’m really quite sick of the word babe:-) However, to give people some credit, I will say that one reason these titles are thrown around quite a bit is because some women fit for the word “babe" instead of angelic. These days, it’s rare to come across a woman who I would describe as angelic. I think angelic qualities are a beautiful thing for a woman to have.
An angelic woman is usually a woman who sees and feels beyond the immediate message. She is an awakened soul...connected to her God.
For example, if a girlfriend tells her: “omg, I really hate so and so“, an angelic woman wouldn’t take that for gospel. She knows there’s something deeper and sees the person for WHO they are. Not what they do or say. She would see that this anger is just a symptom of something deeper. And that her girlfriend is probably feeling hurt and unloved somewhere deep inside...and she secretly prays for her.
I believe angels are all around us, disguised as humans...and you too can be one of them, if U are willing to be flawless in spirit. Read it: Perfect Red Lips, But broken Inside.
A Message to EVERY Woman in Zambia
To every woman waiting. Hoping. Praying. Searching. Longing. Yearning. Wishing to be called Mrs.
He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who misses and grieves and wishes for just one more day with Mom. Who would give anything to have one more precious moment. One more chance. One more opportunity with her mom.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who is raising her children alone. For the heavy load. For the burden you carry. For the pain that cuts like a knife. For the weight that keeps you on bended knees, praying for every need to be met in the lives of your children. For the times that you have been dismissed or rejected or judged or overlooked.
He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who has been undone beyond anything a human heart can comprehend. Unraveled at the very core of her being. Who has carried life in her womb only to lose that precious life in the end.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who was married and who did everything to make her marriage work and sacrificed through circumstances beyond any understanding and who chose the selfless act to keep her marriage and just to lose it to another woman.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows. "You are the God who sees me." Genesis 16:13

For every woman who cannot do today. Who just cannot. 
Who cannot bear to even blink or breathe or gasp for air because of the pain of all that this day doesn't represent for your heart. For all that never happened. And never will. For all of the love that was withheld. For all of the wrong that was done. For all of the good that was never shown. For all of the places and spaces inside that lack and ache and will not surrender you peace. 

For all of the Mother Daughter dreams that never came to pass. For the prodigal Mother who will not relent. For the prodigal daughter who will not come home. For the wedge of hopelessness and despair between you. For the weeping and the wailing. For the midnight hour that holds your heart hostage. For all of the love that was never offered or given or spoken or felt. For all that never was and never will be. For all of your golden childhood that was stolen from you. For every bow that was never placed. For every strand of pearls you were never given. For every day you were never celebrated. Photographed. Blessed. Loved. Cherished. Adored...

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

And He is a God who will restore. He will redeem. He will renew. He will repair. He will offer you a recompense and restitution and reconciliation above anything that you can think, hope or imagine. He is a Father who loves you and sees you and He knows it all, beautiful friend. He is well able. He is more than enough. He can fill every crack and broken place. He can heal every form of injustice. He can give you something to hope for. To believe in. He can heal your heart to trust again. To breathe again. To love again. He is the One who reveals things so that He can heal things. He holds you in the palm of His hand and He has such extraordinary purpose and plans for you, His beloved Daughter.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows…and remember: You are not what happened to you, don’t let it ruin the rest of your life.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 Actually he makes it all gold.

When we hand over our broken lives and stop trying to heal our own brokenness with our own definitions of healing and attempts at trying to right the wrongs...when we surrender to Him. He repairs with gold. And in exchange we walk away with healed brokenness and true Freedom.

You can also watch my videos on YouTube.

When you hurt, this is when I cling to Him and hold on for dear life.

Many times, we aren't doing anything wrong, we are just walking through the refining fire. Listen my friends: You are being molded and shaped for His purpose. You are being set apart and taught by the Lord. You are being stripped of anything and everything that would hinder His work in your life.

This process is really painful. I don't know of an easy way to get through it. They call it the threshing floor for a reason….But I do know that tomorrow is a brand new, beautiful start to a glorious new day and you can do your very best to make the rest of your life the best!
I have a huge list of changes we've already started making. And I am also beginning to see some fruit from my hard work and countless prayers over the last few years. There is wonderful joy ahead…. for each one of you.

God is Faithful and never forgets His children! Relax in HIM!

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