Thursday, September 22, 2016

10 Types of Men who are overlooked by Single Women and why...

Look, I know many women who are married to fine men, rich men, with degrees etc. who are now totally miserable. A big part of it was because they chose rather than asking God to bring them to the BEST man he had for them. And I am talking about a spiritually mature man most of all. Matthew 19:11-12 starts out by saying that everyone is not mature enough for marriage (Hebrews 5:12-14).

So with that said...

Yep. This is a good article to take to heart. And as you're going through each point, the ones that challenge you, take some time to ponder (Proverbs 4:26) WHY that is not an option for you. Then ask God if it's Him telling you that those things wouldn't be a good fit or you telling him. And then be willing to listen (LISTEN-Proverbs 28:9) to what He says.

His answers just might surprise you. And bring you closer to your life partner too.

Love is patient, love is kind...  Love will not surrender to you. It is your duty to surrender to it. It won't come how or when you expect it to. Nor will it arrive in the package that you have pre-designed in your mind. We do ourselves a disservice by attempting to make love fit our own agenda. Be flexible. It isn't about lowering your standards. It's about increasing your awareness. That's where I can help. Here are ten types of men in your life that you may have already overlooked. 

Mr. Nice Guy: My male friend’s Confession: I had to get over my own "nice guys finish last" complex here. Every woman that I have every sent flowers to, turned out not to be as interested in me as I was her. Talk about a deterrent! In all seriousness, when a guy has genuine interest, he can't help but to show it. Enjoy the gestures and relish in the thought put behind them, because you are worth it. Don't dismiss him by labeling him "too nice."

Mr. Friend Zone: He's smart, funny and you guys have great conversation. That sounds like chemistry to me. Close friends know you in a way that your partners hope to. Not only do they know you, but they accept you too. Don't totally close the door to love just because the relationship's origin doesn't have a romantic link.

Mr. No Degree: So many of us fall into the trap of measuring a person's quality by whether or not they possess a college degree. Don't let this be you. A degree, or lack thereof, doesn't define who a man really is. His passion, ambition, and proven track record will all serve as a memento of his character if you allow it to.

Mr. Broke Down Corolla: We're living in 2015, where people are driving cars from 2013 and this brother is still driving one from 1989? Let me guess: You don't want him picking you up? Don't let his "vintage" ride make you run away. At times in life, women can get so caught up in material things that they forget about what's most important: Substance! What if he's just a real penny pincher or skipped a big auto buy in favor of helping out a sick parent or putting himself through business school? 

The Single Dad: It's OK to have your dating checklist, but don't overlook a good person just because he has a kid. Pay attention to how serious he takes fatherhood and watch how he raises and nurtures his offspring. A little observation in this area can tell you what kind of man he really is, and it might just be the kind you've been looking for.

The Chinese Guy : Plenty of black men freely date outside of their race and if you desire to, you should too. At times, dating can become a numbers game. It's best to give yourself more options, not less. Love is colorblind. 

Mr. Mature: Enlarge your dating pool by expanding your acceptable age window. By focusing less on age and more on maturity you increase your chances of getting the results you desire.

The Sensitive Type: Some brothers are more in touch with their feelings than others. It's highly possible that his feelings for you may develop faster than what you are ready for. Instead of brushing him off, pace him while being encouraged by him actually being aware enough to be able to express his feelings clearly. (That can be rare when it comes to certain men.)

The Swagless Brother: For some, swagger is wearing their pants so low you can see their underwear. For others swagger may be a great job with benefits. If you permit the culture to define swagger for you, you will be stuck with what accompanies that definition. Let swagger be a symbol of the characteristics that you desire, housed in the man of your choosing. It's OK to be cool. It's cooler to be an individual.

Mr. Blue Collar Brother: Sure, there is nothing quite like a tailored suit, and that corner office can be attractive. But please be careful not to become so enamored with status that you overlook the essential qualities that will ultimately help cultivate and maintain a healthy relationship. Remember, his current position isn't necessarily a prophecy concerning his future potential.

Still single? You are not waiting on God…God is waiting on you to notice the one he's already placed before you.
New to texting…? Here are a few text messages you can send to your lover.

You might find it easy to fall in love with someone; the hard thing is how to keep that someone forever. But that is the challenge of love, fighting, without knowing how to win! And I will always be there for you my love.
We never know how this closeness has started. We will never know how it would end. But whatever happens, when our closeness is gone, I will never forget how you made me smile once in a while, love you baby and promise you we will never be apart.
I had believed that there is a paradise beyond the skies. But now I realized that heaven is just right here on earth, because what would an angel like you be doing here if heaven is somewhere else? Love you my angel.
A great love is when I shed tears and still you care for you, it’s when you ignores me and still you long for you. It’s when you begin to love another and yet I still smile and say I’m happy for you. But we always end up together because we were destined for each other.
Loving is not how you forget but how you forgive, not how you listen but how you understand, not what you see but how you feel, and not how you let go but how you hold on. Love you baby and promise to be always there for you.
Want more? Order a copy of my book “Magnetic Texting” with over 400 text messages written for you all you (for different situations) No more confusions. Get the book!
Looking for Love? Want to improve your marriage or relationship? New to Dating?

Kay Rose Owner of Kay Rose Academy and Founder of GDA/BSOG teaches women/men how to effortlessly attract the right partner and have a secure, close relationship or marriage they want. To learn more about the KRA programs or learn how you can connect with your partners heart at every stage of your relationship or marriage send an email to and don't forget to check out my facebook page

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