Monday, September 19, 2016

Work Place and College Dating Tips in the Hook-up Culture

In a generation that has embraced the “hook-up culture.” and  Casual sex one has to be smart when it comes to dating...these days relationships are all about sex.. Enough is enough! I know you are very smart...but let me ask you a very honest question?
In all seriousness, answer this question as honest as you can for your own benefit. Are all the temporary good times you might have with a man(sex) worth cheapening yourself?

Are you willing to pay  a high premium for those so called "fun times" that many young women and men are having these days by losing their lives at such a young age?
are having these days. As a high value proverbs 3:15 woman dating a man for marriage should be well planned...plan your dating the same way that a course is chartered for a ship. For example, when a boat leaves one place to the other...a route is chartered for that vessel before leaving the port in order for it to get to its destination on time. However, if that vessel leaves point A without a planned course and aimlessly roam the seven seas, it might reach point B  somehow  but there is no telling when or how! But most likely it might NEVER get there at all. And of course passengers wishing to reach
point B(which is marriage in your case)at a definite time wouldn't risk taking a boat
piloted in such a random way. But unfortunately, many women are wasting their precious time by following the wrong dating methods...and wonder why they miss their ports by several miles(by many years) or never arrive at all. Don't venture out on the waters aimlessly...don't date without a purpose...have a goal in mind, which is marriage. Please don't be a fool with men! You are a high value woman...chart your course carefully and stick to it. If you are in a relationship that is not going anywhere, break it off immediately. And if you decide to have sex before marriage and go against the word of God. You are on your own..don't email or call me to ask why he didn't call after sleeping with you. Stay a virgin for your husband! Any man who wants you to have sex with him before marriage is the one you can eliminate from your date list without even thinking twice. Don't be mislead by today's rubbish dating advise that you have to use your sexuality as a way to entice men. If you want to attract a respectable, husband material and high quality men stay away from low value who make indecent requests.

On the flip side...I don't completely blame it on the men. These days, with women throwing themselves at men, men have the option but make demand for something they know they shouldn't be demanding for...many years ago, this was not the case at all. An unapproachable woman would be one of the most sought after (because she has a lot to offer and isn't ready to settle for less)But today, anyone who tries to be old fashioned is the least attractive to men because they are so used to women throwing themselves at them.

Sorry I almost forgot that this article was about work place and college dating. Well truth be told workplace dating can lead to two things: Marriage or Unemployment?
If you have you a crush on a co-worker please proceed carefully. Dating a coworker might seem like a wild, adventurous thrill ride that could make your work life so exciting but two things can happen here... live happily ever after or mess it up and wind up looking for a new job over a fantasy relationship.

While you are interested in him because he seems like a potential candidate for a boyfriend and he has not made any indication of feeling the same way. Listen!
If a guy is very interested in you, he will ask you out for a date, not for a business appointment. And if he were interested in both, he would ask you to meet him for dinner and discuss business at dinner, or he would ask you out after the business appointment.
Remember when a guy comes along who checks off everything on your boyfriend list, it means only one thing: YOU feel that way about him. he doesn’t feel that way about you necessarily. But when this guy asks you out, then that shows he is feeling the same way. Until that happens, you don’t have a man’s proof of interest. Right now you know all of this without having to risk getting hurt or rejected. So to be in a good position, whenever you exchange emails with him, make sure you cc’ing his assistant, “Thanks for your interest in working with me. I am not in the position of doing anything for you right now, but I will keep you in mind should an opportunity arise in the future.”Then sit back and see what he does. If he is really interested he will step up and ask you out for you to continue thinking about him romantically. Get it? I hope so... most women will use the excuse of business as a reason to stay connected with a man, have no use for such kind of gimmicks.

If he doesn’t step up and make you his girlfriend, he’s telling you he wants to be available for other women. When this is what you see and hear, it’s time to pull back. Time to give him space so he gets to experience what it’s like without you. You don’t want to waste time with the wrong guy, right? So don’t be afraid to do what it takes to see what he’s made of. That could be the ONLY WAY you’ll ever know if he deserves you.

College students: If you have zero interest in a guy, you can study with him. But if you are attracted to him and have expectations, please don't study with him. Why? Because right now, he has not given you proof of his interest. A guy can be by your side all the time, talk to you, ask you questions, smile at you, and do everything. But ask you out for a date. He can even flirt with you, casually mention going to places together, or joke about love. It doesn’t matter what he says, only what he does. And what is he doing right now?
He is doing everything another female classmate would be doing. Being friendly.
Now, he may be interested. He may be tossing and turning at night wondering how he should ask you out. He may be even be dreaming about you and having dates with you in his dreams, but that doesn't mean anything at all..because you still don't know and a high value woman like you only goes by what is, not what she hopes is. You bank on reality, not fantasy...right? So if a guy hasn't officially asked you, the reality is that until you get proof of his interest, he is just another classmate. So which means, it's ok to study with him as classmate...because the more you entertain him without him stepping up and saying what he is really up to, the more he is transferring the risk on will end up investing in him emotionally and once he is gone you will be alone trying to fix your broken heart. I am not teaching you be mean, but I want you to be smart enough to guard your heart and the bible is clear on that.  Therefore, you can't be his escort whenever he wants to go out or his meantime girl, especially if you want to be cherished. So if he has not officially said he is interested in you, but wants you to hang out,  you need to tell him sweetly, “Wow, that sounds interesting! But unfortunately I need to study I have exams next week(Truth be told, that's why you there, to study not to find a husband). Thanks for asking though!” He may or may not be interested. But teaching all men how to treat you is your best way to separate the suitors from the time-wasters, minimizing anxiety, pain, and confusion  as well as landing yourself the right relationship.

Being in a friend zone situation is simply being a second class citizen. When someone wants to reject or dump someone, he or she usually says, “Let’s just be friends” or “I like you as a friend.” Friendship should be a natural outcome of a solid relationship, but friendship is not what creates men’s interest and sustains it. Dating doesn’t work this way. Perhaps you are not comfortable with being a proverbs 3:15 woman yet. That’s normal! It's never too late to join the Kay Rose Exclusive Singles Club and meet other smart singles like you. Currently accepting new marriage minded men and women. You must be a CHRISTIAN and over 25 to apply. Send your picture to

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