Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Singleness is not a disease a curse nor an affliction...

Listen to me: Singleness is not a disease a curse nor an affliction…But this is the way it feels, sometimes right? “So, are you seeing anyone?” Everyone is getting married, when is your wedding?
“Does that sound familiar?”
I am sure it does…
There’s such a disappointment in the voices and on the faces of some who ask.  It’s like they want to tell you they are really sorry that you are still single…I mean, like you have lost a loved one. I would really like to know why people feel sorry for single women.  While it is not a choice that most of these single women have made to be single, it’s not like there is something wrong with them...hello?  At the APPOINTED time (Gen 18:14) they will get married… To a loving, God-fearing husband who’s willing to lead their household wisely leaning on God for full support, to a man who will love them the way Christ loved the church.  It’s a high calling ladies… refuse to settle. There are too many disasters that come out of settling. Ok let me explain why…
There are so many women who had NO CLUE this time last year that they would get married this time this year and yet, here they are. Married! Miracles, happen every day. It's not about your age. It's about your God...It's not so much about what you do about it...walking around the mall, clubbing going to parties, singing in the choir and hoping you could meet someone...It's about what you surrendering over to the Spirit of God. It's about what God allows. Enjoy today. It's a preparation step for what's to come. TAKE. IT. IN. FULLY. AND. LET.IT.SINK.IN… They don't call it a "leap of faith" for nothing'. Walk in it with JOY...and expectancy. You should also ask yourself this:  Does God set an appointed time for things, or does he act and accomplish his will whenever? We all know He is a God of order.
I am sure you just don’t want to get a husband to pay my bills and have sex with…  Riiiight?

Here’s what you need to do about it…so that you can be properly married.  Refuse to see your singleness as a curse. God is preparing YOU and He is also preparing your Partner. Just when you think you are wasting time being single and have nothing to do, become bored with the process, He comes up with something else for you to focus "grow up in". Truth is, when we take His assignments seriously, we don't have time to come up with any back-up plans, man-made miracles… and end up with Ishmael. Wait for your Isaac. RELAX in HIM and HIM alone the God of Abraham...God of Sarah, God of Rebekah (who blessed Rebekah with a covenant partner Genesis 24) God of Leah, God of Rachel... I am willing to bet some very good amount of money (that's how confident I am) that GOD will NOT fail you...He will DO SOMETHING about your situation. Yes Indeed!!! God knows your husband… The ones He knew about before you even knew about him…before you even started desiring for a husband. Besides, the plans that you are still guessing  about…your Father God already knows about them.

"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you."---Jeremiah 29:11-12
Does that mean that God has forgotten about you?
Of course not.
So Kay, since I am single at the moment should I pray for my desire to get married to go away, until God is ready?  No, not necessarily.  I think the desire for marriage is good, as long as it doesn’t become an idol.  Desiring marriage is good, as long as it isn’t an idol… Listen to me: Do not desire marriage more than a deeper relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. And honestly, if some of you were to put aside your desire for a strong, Godly marriage and want a mere marriage, you could probably have one next month, but because you are not willing to compromise in this area…that’s why God won’t disappoint you. He will see to it that you get your long awaited husband.
Psalm 37:4 says that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, he will give ourselves the desires of our heart. When we have "a high degree of pleasure, enjoyment or joy" in the KING OF KINGS (and Lord of lords-Revelation 19:16), he will give us our hearts' desires. Focusing on the King of all Kings’ gets us what we want in this life... therefore there is no need to feel the anxiety, impatience, neediness...desperation of having to go before our "human king", our future husband, before he calls for us.  And what I'm sensing is when he calls, it will be when he awakens your Adam, when the Lord awakens him (Genesis 2:18-25) and when he looks at you, he will verbally acknowledge you to be the "bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh". Yeah. No need for fake nails or lashes. I hope this is a light bulb moment for you to know that God’s gat your back. Your Adam will recognize you…All you have to do is focus on bringing the Lord JOY and he will take care of the rest.
If only I could be bold enough to give certain pastors a little bit of advice on dealing with the issue of adult singleness, it’s this Oh well, let me shut my big mouth…time to continue soaking in worship. Oh just in case you are wondering what I am listening to Comforter has come by SEU Worship. As you listen to this song, may God breathe new life in you. I speak new life over you…in Jesus name. There is nothing sweeter like worship.
Well…let me say this before I go.
Are you finally in love? If you are, congratulations for finding that special person that is giving your life a new meaning. But maintain that spark in your relationship everyday can sometimes be difficult especially when you want to please him or her every now and then with your own time and commitment. Romance is the language of love. It is the way that you show your partner that you care about them. Every person has their own idea of what they might consider romantic. For sometimes, it will be dressing up for the other or buying flowers or jewelry. There is no way to know what is romantic without knowing the person. Romance is created by the feeling that you are genuinely cared about. All romance has one thing in common… it must show the other person that you care enough to find out what is meaningful to them. Romantic love messages are always great way of showing the love you have for your wife or hubby. Don’t wait for valentine’s day, anniversaries to send a love message…The messages can be short or long depending on the occasion involved or the kind of feeling you want to express… send your lover romantic love text messages reminding them that you care so much for them and that they mean so much to you as well. Love between couples is sometimes filled with many challenges that one has to maintain constant communication in order to keep the relationship strong. My book “Magnetic Text Messages” with over 300 messages will make it easier for you to express your feelings…start sending sweet messages to your lover to keep your relationship strong. Right Now…

Looking for Love? Want to improve your marriage or relationship? New to Dating?

Kay Rose Owner of Kay Rose Academy and Founder of GDA/BSOG teaches women/men how to effortlessly attract the right partner and have a secure, close relationship or marriage they want. To learn more about the KRA programs or learn how you can connect with your partners heart at every stage of your relationship or marriage send an email to and don't forget to check out my facebook page


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