Monday, September 19, 2016

Beauty only gets his attention

          Irreplaceable!  It means you alone can offer something that nobody else can offer or simply a woman he can't live without, but how can you make this happen?

             As a woman, you are told almost from  the cradle how to find, catch  and  keep a man.  You get advice about it from your mother, your aunts, and your girlfriends. You most likely have read about it online, in magazines, and books. You see it on TV, in music videos, and in movies. With so many varied opinions on the topic, it’s easy to become uncertain and confused. So, who should you believe? Working from the perspective of already having found your ideal mate let's look at how you can become irreplaceable to him.

               Think back to all those little kernels of wisdom your mom was always spouting at you. She wasn't trying to boss you around and tell you what to do; there really was some wisdom to them. Since most of her sayings are time tested it comes as no great shock that mom was right. In this chapter, you will learn how to best utilize her advice to become the woman he can't live without.

  • Behind every great man  is a good woman: A good woman is a Godly woman and that's what the Bible points out: She is far more precious than Rubies, Proverbs 31:10. How then do you achieve this status? You can achieve this by simply becoming more kind, honest, humble and modest in your daily life. Like anyone else, men don't like being lied to, nor do they find cruelty attractive. Make sure to keep an open, honest line of communication going with your mate. Tell your dislikes as well as your likes to each other, taking special note of shared interests. Use kind words when working on differences, and  never belittle him. Find ways to make life easier for him, i.e. running errands or doing laundry for him; remember kindness and honesty are your goals.
  • Respect: The truth is, every man craves respect, he wants to feel like he is your hero, he wants to feel important and especially to be respected by the man he loves.  When you  respect a man, it actually causes him to become a better man.. Showing a man respect is the best way you can show him that you love him. Every man wants to be in a relationship where he is not disrespected.. Here are some of the ways you show him that you respect him:
  • Talk to him respectfully
  • Never allow your friends or relatives to disrespect him
  • Let him lead-men crave to lead
  • Ask him for his opinion
  • Don't ever degrade him in public
  • Tell him that you believe in him and support what he is trying to achieve
  • Talk to him before making major plans
  • Listen to what he has to say-you might not agree but just listen
Respect is very important to a man  and as a woman of God, you must possess this quality. Give a man a gift of what he craves the most "respect" and  he will cherish you forever.. Proverbs 12:4 says,  "An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones." Do your  part "respect" him and watch  how  he will cherish you.
  • Leave something to the imagination:  A marrying type always wants his woman to look a certain way. And if you are going to attract and keep a high quality man..your dressing should speak for itself. What message do you want to send out? It's ok to look sexy, but there is  a difference between looking sexy and trashy. It's men's curiosity that drives them crazy, wondering what could be underneath. But if  you make it easy for them, there is nothing to imagine. Every woman is beautiful and I believe that  you can  still be sexy without showing too skin.  In fact, it' s not always how you dress, but it's also how you carry yourself. Next time, you pick out an outfit from your closet ask yourself this question: "Am I leaving something to the imagination?"  As an elegant woman always remain classy and a lady in your dressing!  

  • Home Cooked Meals: My mother used to say, the best way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach and I find this to be true. A woman who loves to cook for her man will sure find her way to his heart. ..your man should always wake up to the smell of bacon.  Men love home cooked food, take the time to cook for him. Once in a while, surprise your man with a spontaneous breakfast in bed.  Cooking is a secret weapon and good food will always make your man happy. By taking the time to cook for him, even if the results are burnt beyond recognition, you are conveying the message that he is important to you. But you should also take the time to sit down together and talk over the meal you will give him a sense that you care about his opinions. It's okay if you are not a great cook, he will appreciate the gesture.
  • Be complementary: Men love compliments too. Never forget that! Men actually carve for compliments because they hardly get any.. have you ever seen a guy walk to another guy and says, " hey man, you look nice today"  it's rare. But you can be that woman  that compliments him about his appearance, abilities.. and he will never forget you. Remember! It's not always about how sexy we are, but how we make people feel that matters.
  • Be Supportive: When he is down or  going through difficult times, use encouraging words to lift him up.  Be the one to encourage him, pray for him and assure him that everything will be ok, instead of beating him down with words like, you are such a loser and so forth.  I have already talked about being kind, but I want to say it again.. because kind words are powerful, use them always. There is something very  powerful that happens when you speak kind words to a man. Kind words are not only good for the men, but they are also good for you. Most men find loud women who cannot control their tongue to be a big turnoff. If you want to be irreplaceable stay away from being  loud.. get hold of  your  tongue and purify your heart.
  • Be his cheerleader: Men worry about disappointing women. That's why sometimes, they just disappear . When a man is trying to achieve something, be his cheerleader...when he feels like giving up be the one to say, " I am proud of you"  you are doing a good job. Praise him for his accomplishments. By doing so you will also captivate  him as a person.
  • Be  Appreciative: Always try to find opportunities to say thank you. As a woman, there is no greater gift  you can give a man than appreciation. Proverbs 18:22 says, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit".... you don't have to use your tongue to nag a man or to bring him down. Instead, use your mouth to verbalize how you appreciate him. Once in a while surprise him with a text/email and tell him how much you appreciate him. But! Appreciation  and  flattery are not the same thing . The difference is is from the heart and the other one is fake. Be sincere!
  • Be an Original: Refuse to compare yourself to other women. Be an original because there is something special about a woman who can be her own type without being threatened by other woman. A woman who has a life of her own with or with a man she is happy and content.  
           Lastly remember everyone wants to belong. You go out of our way to fit in and to find just the right place in life, finding love is no different. The moment he starts thinking of you as his you become something he longs to cherish and protect. When that happens you will become irreplaceable in his life. If you don't know how to pull this off, attend one of my online classes and  learn how....taken from my book" 7 Simple Traits, Yet Powerful that can make You  Irresistible to Every Man".


  1. Wow, u never dissappint with your articles, enlightened and God bless your soul

  2. Wow, u never dissappint with your articles, enlightened and God bless your soul
