Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Reasons Why Men DON'T Pursue…Must Read!!

If you want more in life, you have to learn how to value yourself, feel worthy, and behave accordingly…that’s why I wrote “You are a precious Pearl” until you know what you are worth, you will always settle for crumbs. As a child of God a “Precious Pearl”, you should always refrain from telling a man what to do. If you find yourself begging for phone calls or texts from him, you have to keep on moving on as if nothing happened. You don’t pin your hopes on a guy just because he isn’t into you. Period!
When a guy doesn’t ask you out for a date, seeing him and talking to him you are simply telling him that you have no value. That you are not worth his effort. Hun, you need to cut his conversations short, delete his nothing texts   and move on, to train him that you are worth a lot more than an accidental meeting at the super market. Do not grant any man bonus points just because he has a conversation with you while bumping into you somewhere. If a man doesn’t become a SUITOR, he is not worth having feelings for.

And by the way, texting him first confirms that you feel you’re not good enough for a date. Wait for him to text first…you shouldn’t initiate the first move! Remember, guys would never tell you they aren’t interested. But they will always SHOW you by lack of action. Believe it or not! A guy who is interested will find time to call and take you out after he has met you. He wouldn’t need you to help him date you “smile” seriously. Just like he doesn’t need to be told what clothes to put on in the morning, he also doesn’t need to be told to pursue a woman. He will when he is ready and interested!
Don’t hint anymore if you like a guy. Especially if he has already showed you he has complete zero interest in you…let him go.  Always remember this: your FEELINGS are the WORST indication of whether a guy is worth your time. ONLY HIS ACTIONS are indicative. No action means the same no matter what feelings are behind it. He is still not interested. Therefore, if you tell him about how you feel, it still won’t change anything. Initiating texts l is one of the most time-wasting thing any Precious Pearl can do. So no more fantasies. Stop the texts, and move on.

What I advise in my books may not be easy to do, but that’s because you’re not used to it. Picking up good dating habits is like learning a new sport. The more you do it, the better you get, and the easier it becomes. Pretty soon it becomes second nature and you don’t even have to think about it. Mr. Right is wrong when he isn’t into you!

Now let’s talk about the Reasons Why Men DON'T Pursue:

I think it's important for Women always need to know why a man isn’t pursuing her...

So here it is, take your pick!:-))

If a man is not attracted to you ENOUGH, he will not pursue...

If a man is not interested in you ENOUGH, he will not pursue...

If his fear of rejection is too great, he will not pursue...

If his fear of commitment is too great, he will not pursue...

If his fear of having to work to attain you is too great, he will not pursue...

If his addiction to alcohol, drugs, or anything else is too great, he will not pursue...

If he is not available,  (eg he is a married man) he will not pursue…

If he doesn’t have enough money to pay for dates, he will not pursue...

If he is too overwhelmed with responsibilities (work, family, kids, exes, several baby moms), he will not pursue...


He knows you want him so bad and he doesn’t have to do anything to get your attention, win your heart, or obtain your company…


You slept with him. You are no longer a trophy to be won. You were no challenge and are not worthy in his eyes...


He just wants sex and you didn’t put it out there him. (Stay Pure)


You will never know and never find out, therefore, U SHOULD NEVER CARE. Seriously-)


No matter what he tells you, whether it’s the truth or a lie, you won’t feel good about it. So don’t ask. If you pursue him or encourage him to pursue you so you can prove you’re desirable, you are only proving to him that you’re desperate… which is a turnoff and is asking to be treated badly.

When a man stops pursuing you or never started, nothing you can do can change his mind about chemistry. NOTHING. Get the book "Dating Secrets “Get hold of all the principles of being a Precious Pearl as soon as possible, because until you do, it will be easy to misjudge and misguided, and come up with false ideas in your head about a guy...or your relationship with a guy!! My goal is to Arm you with knowledge and understanding of WHAT WORKS and what doesn't so that you can recognize the signs of a “time-waster” instantly without investing 20 years of your life. You want to up your dating game? Then read my books. Start with the very basic: “You are a Precious Pearl” and “Traits of a Radiant Woman”. And If you can’t seem to forget about your ex then read my eGuide “How to Get Over Him” If someone has moved on… So should you. Any attempt to get him back is out of desperation and just makes him lose respect for you. He already wants to live without you. But the good news is, God has someone better for you. Start by investing in knowledge on how to be how God sees you. The earlier the better, so years of your life do not end up down the drain, irretrievable.

If you have further questions, consider doing an Email Exchange for personal advice…I prefer what’s app though.  Remember, you are the only person in the world who can give you what you deserve. What you deserve is a man who adores and cherishes you, not a man who ignores you and uses you as his sex provider.

Looking for Love? Want to improve your marriage or relationship? New to Dating? Need help writing a book? Need break-up survival tips? Need fresh ways of improving your marriage? Want me to speak at your event? Feel free to Contact me.

Kay Rose Owner of Kay Rose Academy and Founder of GDA/BSOG teaches women/men how to effortlessly attract the right partner and have a secure, close relationship or marriage they want. To learn more about the KRA programs or learn how you can connect with your partners heart at every stage of your relationship or marriage send an email to and don't forget to check out my facebook page


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