Saturday, September 24, 2016

Women, Let Men Do the Pursuing!

WARNING: This article is only written for women who want a committed, healthy, loving, long-term relationship…if you still hooking up, this article isn’t for you.
For a long time, women have always been told to play hard to get…And for just as long, men have known that women like to be chased. But unfortunately in recent years, most ladies have completely misunderstood the chase*smile* Listen my ladies, men have not changed just because we are now in the 21st century…truth be told the nature of a man is the chaser and the woman is to be chased…This dynamic assumes males behave a certain way and females another way in order for there to be success. Every man engages in his own way of pursuit that may differ from others, but a SUITOR is unmistakably a suitor.
Soooo…this article is all about protecting you, the women, from wasting years of your life and emotional pain…to show you how to honor the feminine in you and the masculine in him. Are you listening?
Now, let me share the TRUTH ABOUT MEN…
Men enjoy a challenge
It doesn’t matter if he’s a soccer player or a doctor, on the sports field or in a hospital lab…
They are all chasing a ball or chasing a virus in the lab…
They like to compete and win
Hunters only chase things that are beyond their grasp…did you get that? So trying to spend nights at his place trying to bond isn’t been in the game. He will get bored quickly. Never sleep with a man based on the fear of losing a man. (Always remember this: sex before marriage is sin)
They have the hope of snagging it, but they know they have to work hard to, hence the excitement, adrenaline, and the HIGH LEVEL OF INTEREST…see what I mean?
Hunters do not chase a dead deer… They chase a moving target, often running away from them…not the other way round. He will get tired of you calling him 7 times within 30 minutes… Never push yourself on a man. Anything valuable never comes easy. Have you ever seen anyone giving away pure gold? So, why are you are throwing yourself at him? Know your worth. Never assume you are not attractive enough and start chasing a man. Taste is subjective, one man’s ugly is another man’s beautiful. And if you are in the habit of comparing yourself to other women, stop it! Confidence is everything. A woman who is secure with herself isn’t scared to have her own look. Have your own brand of charm (it isn’t in Brazilian hair…save your money) Some men want what they don’t see every day…not in terms of long hair or fake lashes. He wants the rare woman who can think for herself. Get it?
The more the man has to chase something, the more fun he has, and the more value it has in his eyes.
The less a man has to chase something, the less fun he has, and the less value it has in his eyes.
Men prize the very thing they are chasing…this means that when you go out he takes care of the bill as in paying for the meal. A man who is really crazy about you, isn’t gonna split the check with you. He won’t say, sweetheart you had chicken and chips. So your total comes to… Okay, that’s the type you can live without. A man who really adores you isn’t thinking about petty cash. He is thinking about how to win you over!
Men love the thrill of the chase…so for example when he calls and says, “When can I see you?” Don’t say, “Oh I am wide open… pick me any day and anytime this week!” He suggests Saturday night. “Sure!” He suggests Sunday afternoon. “Sure!” He suggests next month “sure!” Hello!!  You are not a convenience store or a Katemba…even a Katemba is not open all night long. I mean you can’t be open 24/7 ladies. Pick two days and let home choose one. For example you can say, I am available on Friday 17:00 hrs or Saturday 18:30 hrs what time would work for you? If he suggests 21:00 hrs or later, tell him it’s too late. Let’s meet up another time, I will let you know next week if I am available. And end the call. Truth be told, if you treat yourself like a valuable commodity he will put more stock in you. Remember, Men FALL IN LOVE during the chase…No matter how shy or scared a man is, if he is interested enough, he will chase you.
Little boys love chasing things. Men love it too.
Remember, the sperm swims to the egg. There are many sperms but only one egg that gets to choose one sperm out of many. Even animals have the male ‘chasing’ the females.  Here is a little secret: Every woman was created beautiful… two women can both be beautiful and have the same qualities, but the one who acts like a Precious Pearl and refuses to pursue may end up getting the man. Listen to me: It is human nature to value things that are scarce and rare but only if they are good. Poisonous snakes are rare, but no one wants them as pets. Precious stones are rare, but people want them. So being a Precious Pearl is not just about being scare and unavailable (Read: Precious Pearls available on Amazon)
And think about it. If it is an act how long do you think you can act? Won’t you eventually lose the man when he sees through your act or when cracks begin to appear? So only a woman who is truly choosy because she has knows what God has invested in her and is fine without a man can continue to be the kind of woman who will keep a man interested because she doesn’t depend on him to keep her happy and her life full. So a man has to earn his place in her life. A woman can try to act like Precious Pearl but it wouldn’t work in the long term if she truly isn’t a Pearl from within.
By the way, I don’t believe the one who said you should ‘pretend’ not to like a guy even when you do, ‘refusing’ dates even if you want to go. That is just “playing hard to get “and is a fake manipulative game. Playing games has nothing to do with being a Precious Pearl. A Precious Pearl is warm and friendly and shows interest in a man if she likes him. However, she stops at asking him out because she needs to see if he is truly invested in her to take that responsibility. She accepts dates and reciprocates his interest. She is NOT a playing game. She contributes to the relationship. It is just that she doesn’t give more than what he gives and takes things slow to really see a man instead of giving herself blindly all at once to just any guy. Being a Precious Pearl is about caution and wise choices to protect your heart. It is not about being closed or playing games. Know the limits to girl power. You can’t take a guy and give him a makeover…Only God can change a man.

Don’t date a guy with potential. Date a man who is interested in pursuing you, not the one you have to remind to return your calls.

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