Monday, September 19, 2016

Separating the Men from the boys!

If you are someone who resists change or if you are an  “excuse make”  then this isn't for you. Carry on. But, if you are one of those chosen few (Matthew 22:14) who really just want to get on with this thing called life with as little baggage as possible (the lighter you are, the faster you can go), then this is a GOD sent to you! It's a gift for you... and this is NOT for all the men just SOME...
Being a man isn't just about crossing a certain age or looking a certain way. It's a lot more. That’s why you see some 45-year-olds acting like 10-year-olds... In some ways, that’s "exactly" what they are 10 years olds in big bodies. And Oh yes, I know for some of you, this will be a bitter pill to swallow… so are vitamins, at times they hard to swallow, but they are still very good for you, right? Separating the Men from the boys!
Men look for solutions, the boys look for the closest exist door to escape... men always stand their ground and solve it. Everybody makes mistakes, but what you do when you make a mistake is what separates a man from a boy. Men correct their mistakes. Boys don’t admit their mistakes.
With that said...
There is a woman I know who was in a relationship with a certain man for most of her life and when she became pregnant.. I received this text from her: He stopped talking to me when I found out I was pregnant, told all his friends and family that "the child wasn't his", and refused to answer any of my messages when I tried to discuss the matter with him...
All the calls stopped.  This man completely denied his child and went on to marry another woman and started a new life in another town... your address change, but that didn't change God's records that You are still the father of a child you denied and not supporting financially. See, we can't fool God, you are not fixing the child you are denying or the mother you are simply attracting a curse to yourself... no wonder your life is full of trouble, you find yourself going around the same mountain every single year, your business is at a standstill, happily married but your new wife can't give you a child why? The tears of that child you denied or the child you have not been supporting will forever be haunting you until you make peace with that child by becoming active in his or her life... some of you are married and most people or your family members think you only have two children, but only you and God's knows you are a father of more than two... a child born out of wedlock or from a broken marriage is still a child.
No pastor can pray you out of this curse... you just have to DO the right thing support that child and be an ACTIVE father in his or her life.. Perhaps it’s the immaturity, because only boys fear the responsibility of a child they brought into this world. But the good news is, you have a chance to make your heavenly father proud... be a  real man and realize that if you were wrong by making someone pregnant, being a responsible father is the manly/godly thing to do. A man is not A Man, if he is willing to deny his own child... I really want to know why a man who knows he is the father of a child would deny that child? Seriously, are men really that low down. You were man enough to make her pregnant, so man up and take care of the child too. Kids need their father too. Even if you are a man of God and you know that you know that you have a secret child... be a daddy to that little girl or boy. The love that a father shares with his child is a deep-seeded and wondrous connection that should bring out the best in that child. No wonder people die before their time... if your child out there is living like an orphan there is no need in having you around. Remember, God is watching!Now don't get this article twisted with Kay Rose's God is simply talking to you through this article.
I’m going to be honest with you. The enemy doesn't want you to have all that's coming to you, that's why he wants to continue thinking the way you do... But I am praying that after reading this article, the Lord will give you a release from what has held you back for many years... That said.. This could be the beginning of a HUGE breakthrough for you and ONLY if you are willing to do what God wants you to do...
Please...  Don't delay on this call. Any further delay will keep you from all that God has for you. Many of you have quoted 1 Corinthians 2:9 and think you are waiting on God, when God is actually waiting on you to do the right thing first. Listen! God is not in the people-destroying

business, just the sin-destroying business. But sometimes that means both have to go, but he's choosing, at this time, to be merciful (Luke 6:36). He wants you to reconcile with your child.
Which brings me to the final point... The Lord told the Israelites? That if they listened to his voice, do what was right in his eyes ... in His eyes, so it's clear that you can't hide from him (He knows all your secrets) give an ear to his Commandments... ALL of them, and kept his statutes, he would put "none of the diseases" that were placed on the Egyptians on them. He would heal them...
And so, this is not the time to Not to listen to the Lord. Read Proverbs 28:9.. God has no use for the prayers of the people who won't listen to him.
I know, It's so easy to get arrogant about this and remain where you are... but really, if I were you I would do what pleases God. The Lord is testing you and this test is an open book test "smile" so you can pass... if you want to. It's multiple choice. CHOOSE LIFE. Abundant life! As per John 10:10   
It's true everyone thinks you don't have a child and maybe it's not your fault may be your parents forced you to deny that child and have nothing to do with him/her but hun this is your life...are you listening? As far as God is concerned your “active current role status” is Father,yes it doesn't matter how many times you deny that child... you will always be a father to your  child. And you will surely reap what you have sowed...curses come in so many different ways and right now I don't feel like going there.
NOW do you see why you have cursed yourself, because denying a child the right to have a father in her/his life doesn't erase the fact that you are the FATHER!
Isaiah 1:18-20 you can start from there...because some of you need to take some time off to really REASON WITH GOD concerning your current child/father relational status... cause I am here to tell you right now that for some of you, it’s because you like “bad boys”, and your Daddy(our Heavenly Father) ain’t having that anymore!
Do something special this week "CELEBRATE " and "RECONCILE" with your child. And for everyone out there! If you have never had an earthly father (not because he is dead, he is alive, just never wanted anything to do with you) it's ok, go ahead and forgive him. And remember, that God is a “helper to the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14) and “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.” (Proverbs 27:10) You can count on this to be true because he assured us in Hebrews 13:5 that he would NEVER leave us or forsake us!

Don't forget to check out my blog and I will be waiting to hear about happy reconciliation/forgiveness stories

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