Monday, September 19, 2016

Are you His Meantime Girl? I hope Not...

Does he see you as a temporary girl...the one before the one? Is it possible that you are taking yourself for granted? You are the one he calls when he feels bored  or when he needs an escort on a Saturday night to go to the party with...he is ok, hanging out with you not that you are not one of the guys, but just as a meantime girl because he still not convinced that you are the "ONE" his future "WIFE" ...mother to his future children.
You may be wondering...but I can I possible  be his Meantime Girl in his life.
Well, here is how?
By not officially becoming his wife or at least fiancée...hello? I mean even after you have  dated him several months, bought him presents, taken trips with him, even had his babies, or met his Mom.
The question is,  what in the world is he waiting for? Why doesn’t he make you his fiancée? Why doesn’t he make you his wife?
Let me guess. Well, maybe because he is still on the lookout for someone else?
He doesn’t think you are the "ONE" or maybe he just doesn’t know what he wants? (Though it’s clear he doesn’t really want you.)I mean if he did...if he really did, he could have changed your name ...from Ms. to Mrs.
So I am thinking maybe he is  bored and needs a female to play with, and you make it convenient for him while he’s got other priorities? Yes, I said you have made it CONVENIENT for him. Don't blame it on him, it's you...change the way you are playing the game and everything will change.
Here is the secret...he doesn’t want to be alone while he’s still looking...He doesn’t care to ever be in any commitment with any woman or maybe he isn’t the type to settle down...he is a player or do they call them players.
He’s got other Meantime Girls going on and he thinks none of you are the Prize or maybe he’s already got an official girlfriend or wife and he likes variety...he is a cheater.
If any of the above applies to you, congratulations (NOT!): You are his Meantime Girl who won’t ever be properly cherished or committed to by this man..and being a meantime girl=heartache.
So if you’re dissatisfied with a guy and suspect you maybe his meantime girlfriend or simply don't know how to navigate the world of dating then the book I recently released " Dating with a Purpose" is where you need to start... Find out today how you can improve your love life( or
If you date with a purpose, you will date smarter. You have to set some standards for yourself and be able to quickly judge whether or not this person is worth your time and effort. Many aren’t, you know that right? But when you do find someone who passes the test, the entire relationship becomes infinitely smoother and even if it doesn’t work out, you won’t regret it Love is more than just holding hands...don't create your own unhappiness by dating without purpose.
And most importantly, find out how you can be a Prize woman and avoid getting trapped in this sad predicament that too many women are in.
Being a Meantime Girl is not your is without payoffs. It may be  exciting and  refreshing to see him but you are worth more than that...Well, you are smarter than you think, don't be caught off guard by's better to free yourself now than to hear about his wedding with someone else.
And before you realize it, you are much older !
Please know your worth diamond(Proverbs 3:15). Don't settle for what something looks like a relationship but it's not... Go deeper. When you know that God has promised you something, don't overlook how the compromised versions present themselves. Don't let your emotions drive you down in the arms of a wrong man rather than waiting on God. When it's totally God's doing, I don't believe that there's even a hint of doubt within you...If God really sent him, there will be total peace. Don't be trying to make him be more than what he is. That's not fair to you or to him.
So many relationship choices are made based on trying to fill voids. For instance, you don't feel good about you and so you want someone else to bring validation to those places where you are's  not in a friend...not in  some guy but in God that we are completed. And because God is love (I John 4:16), the more accurate way to put this is that when a man's in "God", he only has one statement: "He loves God enough to want what God wants for him and he will live in complete and total surrender to God's plan of purpose by preparing for it." We as women have more discernment than we often give ourselves credit for... true, your "man" may be saying one thing but what did King Solomon tell us? THAT THE WAY SOMEONE WALKS TELLS THE STORY.
It's the ONLY way to tell the difference between the lies and the truth...So, if you think the man you are digging' loves you? All I can to say to you is...Make sure his story adds up. You can't be a forever girlfriend. So how can you avoid being a meantime girl or a forever girlfriend? You can start by  enrolling in the Kay Rose Academy(Dating, Courting & Wife School) send an email to
Relax! God has already watched your movie called life...let your life align with his GOOD plans for your life. Jeremiah 29:11

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