Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Excuse me! Are you are a man?
Yes. Ok, aluyeni kwa Altar... Does that sound like you? I hope not. It's nice to have a big wedding, but there is a big difference between a marriage and having the cutest flower girls.  So before you get excited about that dress... think beyond the dress. Marriage is work. Lot's of it! Well, that's your homework. This article? I hope I can pen it without stepping on anyone's toes... but the exciting part is that, I usually don't know how I am going to roll... I have said this before, but let me say it again... whatever I write in my articles is out of love not hate... you get it?

Ladies, there's something miraculous that happens when you realize your value. WHEN YOU DO, MEN DO TOO! It's that simple! Matthew 7:6 says that we should not to cast our pearls before swine and Matthew 13:45 tells the story of a merchant who saw so much value in a pearl... one pearl, that he sold all that he had to get it. Did you read that? That's what you deserve as  a child of the most High God... a daughter of a King. This is not a fairy tale lady, you truly deserve it! We serve a God who knows the numbers of hairs on our heads and who tells us that because of that, there is nothing to fear. WE ARE OF VALUE ladies Luke 12:7 “You were bought with a price. Do not be slaves of men”  (I Corinthians 7:23) by bargaining with your flesh. Ask God to restore your Faith... just move out of the way and stay open to the miracles that you may not have expected, it is priceless. It's time to re-define your wants right now and start praying for the right things, things that are custom made for you by God... that includes a husband. You just can't pick anyone:-) Please wait for a man that will come into your space already healed by God. Don't settle for Jacob, wait for Isreal.  The way your Father God has always wanted it to be and the very reason why he placed this article in your hands. And remember, whatever God does It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. Ok, let's go over a few desperate signs:

#1. Fishing for Compliments
Have you ever found yourself fishing for a compliment? That's not a good sign. Desperate daters need outside encouragement at every turn. They are so desperate to feel good about themselves that they become masters of creating compliments out of nowhere. Does this sound familiar?

Kate: “Wow. I feel so fat these days.”
Ken:  “Honey, what are you talking about? I think you look great.”
Kate:  “Oh REALLY! Thank you so much.
And sometimes Kate may sound like this: “ Honey, what do you think of my dress?”… “Do you like my short hair?”… “Am I as pretty as Beyonce?”
Please don't be this girl.  This kind of behavior is not good for you, and it is also of exhausting for the other person.

#2. Dropping Your Friends because of Love
This is a never! Put it on your never list. If you NEED a relationship, then nothing is going to stand in the way, right? Certainly not the friends who love you and will probably welcome you back once you are dumped.

#3. Accepting Bad Treatment.
When you are desperate for love, you’ll take a lot of grief. Most of the time you don’t even notice the poor treatment because acknowledging that you’re being treated badly is the first step down the road to walking away. If you have ever made excuses to your family for the way your he treats you, it’s time to take a long hard look at your relationship and priorities.
#4. Calling someone who never picks up
Please stop calling someone who never picks your call or takes forever to call you back because such a person lacks common courtesy. Truth be told: Such a person may be in love with someone else or simply using you at his or her convenience... Again, stop texting a person who doesn’t reply in a reasonable amount of time... I know, I know... that person may be claiming that he or she is ever busy but if that person really loved you he/she wouldn’t have fail to spare even 2 minutes to text you a very short message like I MISS YOU, I LOVE YOU...If you are in love with such a person hun"smile" it's time to roll... because this person  has no time for you but has time to text the other person that he or she loves and fears to upset or lose... Stop chasing after someone who doesn’t want to be caught OK?...Stop caring for someone who doesn’t appreciate everything you do for him or her... I mean stop! Stop having hope in someone who takes you as his or her second option... I mean that person who is never interested in you unless he or she is sad, bored or stressed. Stop pleading and crying for someone who sees no value in your tears... Oh yes, he/she doesn't see the value and stop making excuses for such people. Like seriously, YOU deserve someone who will gladly pick up when you call with much need of hearing your sweet voice... Someone who will reply promptly to your texts and treat you with common decency... Someone who will appreciate everything you do for him or her... Someone who fears to lose you just like the way you do... Someone who takes you as his or her priority. Someone who has your time and serious with you!!

KRA Wife School
Ladies, here is a quick list, of creating a warm, gracious reception for your husbands when they return home from the office at the end of their workday. Of course!
Preparing to greet him (4:30 - 5:30pm)
4:30pm Make sure delicious dinner is ready and in order...
4:45pm - 5:15pm Freshen up,  go over your hair and make sure your dress is clean.
5:15pm - 5:30pm Prepare his favorite refreshing COLD soft drink and ready to go on a small serving tray
Honey, I'm Home! (5:30 - 5:40pm) By the way, getting home from work at 12:03 AM is the same as sleeping out. Men: Go home straight after work. If you know you will be stopping somewhere briefly, please let your wife know about it (common courtesy) don't take her for granted.
5:30 - 5:35pm Put on your biggest smile and greet him at the door with a hug, an appreciative peck on the cheek and a warm "welcome home honey!"
5:35 pm Help him take his jacket off, and hand him his drink.
5:35 - 5:40 Bend down and untie his shoes while he has his drink. Get his slippers, put them on... then ask him how his day was.
Dinner (5:41 - 7:00pm)
5:41pm - 6:00 p.m. Make sure dinner is set up nicely on the table and everything is in order. Remember to go back and check on his drink! (No Mosi please) You don't want him to get drunk before you even caught up.
6:00 pm - 6:45pm Warm Dinner is served.
6:45pm - 7:00pm Accompany him back to the living room and asks if there is anything else you can get him.
7:00pm- ? If he appears to want peace, give him space and quietly let him know you will be in the kitchen if he needs you. If he seems like he wants to talk, sit down and listen. Don't give
Be an asset to your husband not a total loss... as a woman you must understand that men who always go back home to super negative, always whining, nagging and complaining wives... breakdown with stress or leave their wives for good.
As a Proverbs 3:15 wife, you should always ask yourself this: "What can I do today to be a REAL helpmate to my husband?" A good wife is always helping her husband.
Are you a Proverb 3:15 wife? If the answer is No. Sign up for a FULL class or continue with your old ways. Your choice!! kayrose.academy@gmail.com

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