Tuesday, September 20, 2016

BLUNT TRUTH. Undiluted Raw Dating Tips!

CAUTION: -) Before you proceed, make sure you buckle up and please don't blame me that I didn’t warn you.  And make sure you answer the following questions carefully:

1) Is being single a disease?
2) Are you waiting for someone else to make you happy?

If your answers to both questions were 'no', then congratulations, you have just passed the first test! If you answered 'yes' to both questions', then I'm afraid there's no way you can benefit from my articles, sorry!

In addition, if you happen to pronounce the following sentences regularly, you are definitely increasing the chance of becoming a better student and a happy single woman/man:

“Sorry, but I don't believe in sex before marriage ”
“To be honest, I am already happy just looking for someone to share my happiness with”
“I may be single, but God is faithful, He will bring my partner at the right time”
“I don't date married men, I would rather wait"

And one last thing before I get started (I promise), if you believe God cannot lie, nothing is impossible with then I think you should tell your parents to get ready for your wedding... but DON'T rush your future. Ok, let me first explain what a rushed future looks like...

Rushed Future
A rushed future is when two people meet... fall into chemistry and even start planning their future together within weeks based on chemistry. At this point,  their “real” selves are not talking to each other here "smile" it’s their counterfeit selves or should I say their representatives that can’t even be trusted to make clear decisions. But because they are so attracted to each other, they can't wait and end up getting married within a month.  
This kind of love can be very dangerous and fake... Fake love involves conflict, drama, and pain, once the chemistry wears off. But real love evolves into service, thought, care, and sincere emotions for each other.  What does REAL love look like?  Real love is shown in loving ACTS... over and over ... with no one keeping score.  Real love responds to the needs of the other, flowing effortlessly from one day to the next. You can also read more on real love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Real love happens when two people honor each other’s values, standards, and purpose.  They don’t just talk about it, however.  They live it.  They “do” love. True love isn’t a Game. It doesn’t come around often and that’s how you will know it’s genuine. A good marriage is not about finding the right person,but being the right person... To be good for a man, you must be good for yourself.

No wonder the bible says, when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing Proverbs 18:22

1) It's time to eek the Lord on what areas you can improve as a Helper... We were created to be helpers. So, take a moment to see how and who you are helping... You don't have to wait until you get married, it can be as simple as helping a young girl who has no mother... be that role model in her life. I often tell most women that I coach that we were created to help these men and we can either help them make it to heaven or help them to hell. Love is godly help. Lust is demonically-based assistance.

2) Some of us can't wait be joined with your covenant partners (husband). But we are not yet ready to be "made over" Ecclesiastes 3:14 “I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.” A marriage is God's  doing... Singles the “delay” is not that God doesn't have a mate for you... it's you, you are not yet ready. There’s some inner work that has to be done. The Bible says that the unmarried woman cares for the things of the Lord, so that she can be holy in body and spirit (I Corinthians 7:34), so don't be too concerned about what your future partner is doing. That should not be your priority right now. Let God work on you so that you can be a successful wife... don't argue with the Lord, just surrender.

We must always remember what the bible says about marriage:

Genesis 2:18 It is not good for the MAN to be alone. Ok, let's pause for a second here... A man is someone who is not a boy... he is someone who is mature. Someone who has successfully transitioned from boyhood to manhood. Does that make sense?  Paul said in I Corinthians 13:11 that when he was a child, he understood as a child, but when he became a man, HE PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS...

If you’re married, especially if it’s troubled, love never fails (I Corinthians 13:4-8). Again, it’s a bold move to decide that you can sin against the Lord and be forgiven, but someone who sinned against you should not (Luke 6:37). Divorce is an ultimate example of non-forgiveness. Slow down. Restoration takes time.

Now, let's talk about the PREGNANCY. TEST. When you are unsure if something’s changed within your uterus, you are advised to take a pregnancy test, right? And for some when it's positive, they go YAY!! And for some, it can be sad news because you are not ready and your so called boyfriend isn't ready to be a father too and some of you have even attempted abortion. Well, let's talk a little bit about abortion... If the fetus was simply a useless mass of tissue, then abortion may be excusable... but the question is, can a mass of tissue be filled with the Holy Ghost? Can a mass of tissue leap for joy? Apparently, John the Baptist was much more than tissue, as we can see in the following verses... Luke 1:15, "For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb."
Genesis 25:23, "And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger."  There! The Lord was calling somebody from the womb... which means  the person was there, or God wouldn't  be calling nothing from the womb. Unfortunately, what most people don't know about is the Silent Screams that only God hears. Fetus' have feelings... as we can see in Luke 1:44, John the Baptist leaped for joy when he heard Mary's voice. During an abortion, the fetus can feel the pain and reacts to the danger.  A fetus is not simply a mass of tissue, but rather a person whom God is knitting together their physical body in the mother's womb. An unborn child is still a person in the eyes of God... The Bible is clear that God formed us in our mother's womb, and He knew us before we were even CONCEIVED! Abortion is murder... case closed! If you have ever done it, encouraged your daughter to do it because she was in school, strongly advised a friend to abort her baby, forced a girlfriend to have an abortion because you were not ready or maybe you are a doctor with a side business of performing such deadly acts... you are walking with blood on your hands. The slaughtering of a precious, innocent and defenseless life is so cruel and a sin. Proverbs 6:16-17 Repentance is the way to go... God is watching! Don't fall for Satan's clever deception
Wife school.
In most marriages, most wives leave the cooking for maids while they watch TV or simply do nothing... Ladies, did you know that food and intimacy are linked in a very special way and the connection never goes away? Well, if the way to the man's heart is his stomach, it's because that's how he was wired in the womb. As surely as he loved or still loves the mother who fed him, he will fall for a woman who cooks for him... so think twice if your maid has to do all the cooking"smile" because a woman who knows the way to a man's heart is hard to resist... ask any man he will agree with me. It's time to re-think avoiding the kitchen, you better start spending more time in the kitchen. Let your husband wake up to a house smelling of bacon.  

Comments/Advice kayrose.academy@gmail.com

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