Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Our hearts yearn for true love... but our limiting un-renewed minds insist it's not possible. It's time to replace unbelief with faith.
People who have found real love, didn’t get permanently caught up in anxiety, believing they will never find love. Rather, they remember to trust in God's timing. Negative, fearful thoughts only increase anxiety and a fearful mind never speaks nicely to the self. Your thoughts create your reality, so by thinking negatively will only get you what you don’t want. Train yourself to think positively, expecting the best... Believe (and really believe) that God has better plans for you...deserve to be loved. If you don’t believe you are love-worthy, nobody else will...
If your relationship has ended, you might be nervous about dipping your feet in the dating space and worried that you never find love again. But that's a lie.
Before you fall in Love:
Heal First, Love Later.
A break-up or a divorce comes with a lot of pain. Whether you initiated the break-up or didn’t want it whatsoever, there is a healing time required before you start dating again. Trying to jump back into dating and skipping the grieving process altogether will not work in the long run. You need to have some quiet time acknowledging and coming to terms with the loss of a relationship. Some may find healing through therapy, reading or yoga. No matter which method helps them heal, when the mind, body and spirit feel connected and healthy once more, that is the time to begin searching for a new love — no sooner.
Let Go Of Bitterness.
To find meaningful love after a relationship, many people re-enter the dating world carrying a tremendous load of emotional baggage with them. You may think you are hiding it from people, but until you let go of the anger, hurt and resentment, it is actually there for all to see.
If you cannot let go of the bitterness you are building a wall around yourself and keeping potential future love out. Negativity, sarcasm and other signs of being bitter is usually written all over your face, slipping out during conversations and sending a negative energy vibe to anyone who approaches you.

Again! Heal before you date.And if you have already healed emotionally I have good news for you. I have two beautiful inside out, intelligent, humble and well travelled ladies, fresh from the oven who just graduated from the Kay Rose Brides in Waiting School. Both ladies are located in Lusaka...Interested? Keep reading...


In her own words:

Let's start with a short list of things that I’m Not really fond of:
– Clubbing (can’t tell why I put this one first…I guess I can explain later)
– Self-centered people (but, hey… Have you ever heard anybody say “yes, yes, I am definitely self-centered.” So this one I might have to find out myself!!)
– Cheaters ( I have no patience for lies)
– Excessive workout / complete body addiction
– Superficial people (but same problem as #2…)
- Angry men, smokers, heavy drinkers, married men...
-Men who don't take care of themselves...

But, if you happen to pronounce the following sentences regularly, we’re definitely increasing the chance of a good match here:
“Ok, let’s give it a try”
“To be honest, I don’t know”
“I respect that”
"I will accept my kids as my own"
“Jesus is my Lord and Saviour” Ok, this one is very important…
" I am over 40 and very matured"

And lastly (I promise), if you love beautiful, intelligent and yet humble women... I think you should tell your mother you finally found a wife!:)

About me: I am intelligent, funny, family oriented and loving.

I didn’t say a lot about mySelf for you to read on purpose. Rather, we chat, talk, engage in conversation to get to know each other instead of us reading through a long page in this section about each other. Also, just because someone looks like a good match “on paper”, doesn’t necessarily translate into reality.

About you:
You are handsome, kind, Christian, compassionate, intelligent, great sense of humor, wonderful, generous, humble, outgoing... Or if you just want to give me something more valuable, like wisdom, inner beauty...that would be great.


In her own words

I am an independent, hard working, caring, and loyal person. Family and friends are very important to me. I've learned that money and opportunities come and go (take them when you can), but family and friends are always there, and they're there to stay no matter what. I would like to think that I can pass down those qualities to a family of my own one day.

I would like to meet someone who is kind, loving, trustworthy, and a bit spontaneous. I love to laugh, and try new things/explore new places, all while having a good time. Take a chance. We only have one life to live, I don't plan on wasting it.

I am genuine, loyal, and affectionate. I like to laugh and have fun, but I also appreciate deeper conversations... I am always up for learning new things and traveling and enjoy being with someone who feels the same way.

The honeymoon doesn’t last forever.
It’s a shocking fact that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Although, our generation doesn’t find it too shocking at all anymore. We have become somewhat jaded to the fact that wedding vows: “sickness and health, richer and poorer; til death” are strewn around far too easily today. It seems as though couples marry with divorce as a safety net-with all sorts of conditions with underlying assumptions of possible divorce. Society today seems based on the unrealistic expectation that the honeymoon phase of a marriage should last forever. Movies over romanticise what relationships should be. Romantic films don’t, however, show us what really happens after “happily ever after.” Couples put a facade on social media almost overcompensating that their relationships are better than those of friends (or enemies).
The truth is, there is no such a thing as the perfect marriage. Your partner may exhibit habits that annoy you to the point of either biting your tongue or exploding into a raging argument. Then comes the kids. Only those with kids know just how much these little blessings rock even the most solid of marriages. It’s no longer about you and your partner. It’s not glamorous. The initial mystery (and often dignity) disappears. Partners see each other tired, stressed, living in comfy, child proof clothes, and sex is no longer a necessity, but rather a luxury. Most times sleep becomes the preferred pleasure to sex.
Finances are another romance killer. In the beginning, it is very unlikely that conversations revolve around how much debt you have, but when finances become shared and shopping lists are written, finances become a very big part of marriage. Financial stress often results in arguments, frustrations and short fuses.
And then comes the family. More often than not, there will be the interfering in laws, the dreaded family events, the arguments over taking sides between a spouse or his or her annoying mother/father/sister.
All marriages will at some point deal with one or more of these romance killers. Don’t be fooled-the seemingly perfect couple next door have their issues and this is where having a relationship with God could well be your saving grace. The point is to realise that just because things are no longer butterflies and late night secrets and hand holding, you still have love. It may be different, it may be hard to believe, but it is more than likely there. So before you choose to throw in the towel, because you think all hope is lost, it will do no harm (and will be far less stressful than divorce), to seek help from people you trust, especially a pastor if you have one... If it works, experience the joy of finding your love again, fall in love again, learn understanding and patience. If it doesn’t work, at least you know you have tried, and you will not look back with “what if?” on your conscience. Marriage is hard. Life is not a fairy tale. But it can be  a beautiful journey that lasts a lifetime.

Interested in a love connected with one of the... KRA Brides in Waiting? send an email to don't forget to attach your most recent picture.

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