Monday, September 19, 2016

There is Nothing in are either dating him/her or Not!

Don't waste time on fantasy relationships! Yeah, there people out there who are in fantasy relationships. I know this may sound unreal. But most people are in love with love...especially women*wink*but the truth is, a healthy relationship must be rooted in reality and truth. Well, if you are one of those people seeing a situating for what it is not, maybe this article if for you.  Here is an example of a  fantasy relationship:
You have high blood pressure and you have a very friendly doctor whom you see on a regular basis, just to make sure your high blood pressure does not get out of control...and fortunately your doctor happens to be caring, affectionate, kind and very concerned about your well being.  And whenever  you go for your regular check-ups... your doctor likes to put his arm around  your shoulder (some doctors can be touchy feely) when escorting you out of his office and may even say something like: Take care sweetie, I will see you next time you come for your check-up... he may even top it up with, please feel to call me anytime you need me*smile* That might sound like he is talking about a heart to heart phone call, but that could also mean call if your BP acts up...see how tricky it is? Most women get super confused whenever they are dealing with doctors or any other men in the service world. The truth is, being nice is part of their job description. There is a difference between romantic love and just being nice. So don't be too quick to conclude when you are dealing with such men...slow down before you get your emotions involved and twisted that the doc is  in "love" especially if the doctor is hot. He may just be doing his job... it's normal for doctors to be friendly, affectionate, kind and caring. So in short,  if a doctor is nice to you, take it easy before you declare he is romantically interested or before you start day dreaming about maybe a little complicated for him to date a patient, but a man is a man. If he is truly romantically interested in you he will ASK.YOU.OUT no exceptions, shy or not. Let him make it clear he wants you, he is in love with guess work. When a man is interested in a woman, he figures out how to ask her out. No need to figure him out! Just be you and let him do the the way, sometimes doctors get tired of looking at lab or X-ray results all day long and it's normal for them to compliment women here and there...he may compliment you on your hair etc...I mean it makes them feel good, it's an ego boaster for them. But the problem is taking one simple compliment and concluding he is in love*smile* take it easy until he officially asks you out...until then, he is just a doctor doing his job. Day dreaming about someone who isn't in love with you can easily turn into a dangerous obsession. There is a danger in making up a relationship that isn't there...drop all forms of fantasy relationships and be open to real relationships. All I am trying to say is, please be careful with men that are in the service business...being nice is part of their job description. Another good example is a waiter, you may think he likes you but he is only being nice so that he can get his tip..get it?.
There are main broken hearts out there because women find themselves waiting for a guy to ask them out who isn't romantically interested... I mean, there is nothing good that comes out in fantasy relationships...let him fall in love with you without being forced to ask you out.  Leave that dreamland and start socializing, it is important. Especially  if you are recently divorced your feelings may easily  range from lonely to bitter and from lost to confused  which could easily lead to fantasy relationships... bottom line is, let a man spell out his intentions about you, don't think on his behalf. Call me old-fashioned(you won't be the first one), but I think a man should always be the one to pursue. I can hear you saying," what if he is shy?" Yes even if he is super shy...that's why I offer confidence classes for shy guys. No excuses! Never ask a guy for a date...Ever! If he doesn't ask you, it simply means he doesn't want to date you need to day dream,  just wait on God! He is faithful, He will never disappoint you, but let me also say this: If you are masturbating, watching porn, having sex are definitely not waiting on God. Masturbation doesn't prepare a woman for covenant intimacy. It prepares her to further live in a world of fantasy and to be selfish when it comes to sharing her physical space with her husband. If you are indulging in oral sex,  masturbation or whatever name you may call it, whether you realize it or not, it's stealing, killing and destroying (John 10:10) some of what the Lord intends for your marital bed. It's playing a role in defiling it (Hebrews 13:4).
Sex is not made for you and your boyfriend, you and your fiancĂ©e, or you and yourself . It's to make you one with you and your husband (Genesis 2:24-25). That is the primary purpose... If you do engage, ask the Lord to release you from that stronghold and make the necessary sacrifices to do so. Any kind of sex outside marriage/covenant is outside God's will for your life. So if masturbation and watching porn is on your daily diet,  it's time to get that thing out of your spirit. I know some of you may be saying, but I always wake up with an erection.(I know this is not the kind of message your pastor preaches...but if you are reading this you are a grown woman/man, you can handle it.)Listen! It doesn't matter...God still wants our total surrender! If you want the Lord's absolute best for your life, then give him your best. He gave up His entire life for you...all of it! Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge Hebrews 13:4 make sure you highlight this one in your bible and memorize it too.
Lastly, I would like to honor those who want to live a life of purity because they want to honor God. We all may not to be able to marry as "virgins" but we certainly all can marry being "pure". If you are that individual, who want to get married PURE shoot me an email  to get more details on my next purity event. My email is:
God speaks to us through so many ways...
If you are wavering in your purity walk, take this as him saying..."I see you, I hear you and today, I am choosing to honor you for honoring me and yourself."


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