Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I don't date black men... only white men. You are right!:-)

I don't date black men... only white men. You are right!
And congratulations! Not:-) My ex was white and I hope I can help some you sisters that think all white men are better than black men! Let me start by saying this: There are GOOD men in ALL races. So you can't turn your back on all black men based on your one bad experience with ONE black man. Believe me! There are some very GOOD fine, intelligent and handsome black men out there. But truth be told, if you keep dating the same type of men all the time because of your poor choices or due to lack of patience...you will always get the same results. I mean dating guys that are straight up from jail, abusive men or men on drugs won't get you different results? There are good, marriage minded black men out there (my brothers are one of them) so I don't think  the problem is the race...it's your choice of men that's bad!
And Hun! What makes a GOOD man isn't something you can see with your eyes black or white... It's the invisible that makes a great man. So let's go over that list:
Family oriented
God fearing
Always remember this: We don't choose a man based on race, but the above traits. There are invisible... and it doesn't matter what package they come in Indian, Chinese, black, Korean, etc.... be open minded! And by the way, marrying an 87 year old white man isn't a sign that they are no good black men left...it's a sign you have your eyes on his retirement money. That's not love! Just be honest with yourself.  Avoid ignorance at all costs, you can’t stop dating all "black men" because of what your ex did to you....and assume that all black men are the same. No, they are not! And just because the guy you are dating is white doesn't mean that all black guys are thugs. It’s not fair, deal with that one black man who did you wrong and move on! Don't try to pin your ex's behaviour on all the black men. So next time you are approached by a good black man or any other race any who is caring, interesting and respectful, give him a chance to show you what he’s about instead of assuming the worst and “quickly” shutting him down because he is not white. You get the picture? Don't FOCUS on  the race...healthy relationships are built on so much more than that...
Here is a list of guys you should avoid dating black or white!

Good talker... but his actions don't match up!
I don’t know what it is about this guy, but let me warn you...he can be very addicting. There’s just something about the unknown (“Does he really like me, or not?”) that keeps you coming back for more of his sweet talk. You can recognize this guy in the way he talks... he talk like a pro, but his actions never seem to match up with his words...ever! And the biggest problem with this kind of guy is that he’s using you for as long as you will stick around. So do yourself a favor and don’t stick around toooo long.
The 'You will Make a Great Sidekick' Guy
This guy has a strong vision for his future. A little too strong. When he looks at you, he sees you as his two-year plan, and it's not something you get much of a say in. Marriage is not on his agenda, he doesn't see you in his future... for several reasons. Here are a few: He is an investor with a family back home, he is in a long distance relationship, married man...in short  he doesn't actually need you and you certainly don't need him either! Look for a man who is marked by honesty and selflessness, because only that kind of man can love you like you deserve to be loved.
The On Again and Off Again Guy
This guy will do anything to get you to stay on his roller-coaster ride of up and down emotions. One moment you are “the love of his life” and the next moment he’s confused, about who you are and non-committal. What you need to know about this guy is that this isn’t a “phase,” it’s a glimpse of the rest of your life..
The Out of Sight, Out of Mind Guy
This guy is sweet, charming, flirtatious and basically everything you imagined him to be... but only while you are around. When you are not around? Well, he’s that same sweet, charming and flirtatious guy with the next girl. For him, it’s not about commitment, it’s about the moment. That’s definitely not a guy you can trust...
The Wishy Washy Guy
He says he’s interested. He might even tell you he’s in love. But then why do you find yourself worried about who else he’s interacting with, and how he’s interacting with them? With the right guy, there are no options, there are only relationships. And healthy relationships can only develop and progress when the focus is on one person at a time not several women at a time.
The Let’s Get Physical Guy
The thing that makes me crazy about this guy is that he’s so obvious, yet so charming. He makes you think that he’s really into you, when all the while his primary focus is on what he can get from you. But even with his obvious advances and fixation on the physical, you’ll find yourself making excuses, giving more and more of yourself. Recognize him quickly, and once you do, make a quick break. Don’t get stuck in the physical, because healthy relationships are built on so much more.
The Immature Guy
This guy will make you feel more like his mom than his girlfriend. He will have you taking care of him before you even know what hit you. And you might like it at first, because it will make you feel important. But what you don’t realize is that a relationship with this guy is sure to be one-sided. So until he’s ready to put down the video games, pay his own bills and do his own laundry, it’s time to move on to bigger and “more mature” things. You deserve a partner, not a boy who needs a parent.

The Compromising Guy
This is the nice guy most girls would fall for. He lets you choose everything because he wants whatever makes you happy, even when it comes to your spiritual life. He may go to church on Sundays, have good morals and even say the right things. But deep down, he’s only sort of spiritual. His life has hints of Jesus (or so you tell yourself), instead of being defined by Jesus. Don’t just settle for a church-phrase literate man...Just because he can quote John 3:16 doesn't mean he is a Christian...look for a Jesus loving man.
The Player
You know all about his history. In fact, this guy has quite a reputation with the ladies. So why on earth did you convince yourself that things would be different with you? This guy will leave you with a broken-heart... just like he left the string of girls before you. Yes, people can change...and no matter who you end up with, you will have to give them grace for their past... but unless you have seen evidence of change in this guy's life, come to terms with the reality that you can’t change him with your love. Instead, find someone who you can love for who they are, not for what you hope them to be.
The Liar
A relationship built without honesty is really no relationship at all. I don’t care if he’s lying about his age, his past, his family, number of children or the color of his car... a lie, is a lie, period. But most importantly, early on in a relationship, it’s a big red flag. This guy is marked by a pattern of dishonesty and little white lies, lies about things that might not even matter. But what matters is the habits that are being formed, and the facade that’s being maintained. A man who has nothing to hide becomes a safe place in which a woman can hide her heart. Look for that kind of a man.
To sign up for one on one customized Dating/Relationship/Pre-Marital Coaching send an email to kayrose.academy@gmail.com

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