Monday, September 19, 2016

The Difference is CLEAR between Prince Charming and Prince Harming!

Oops! Wrong title. Let's talk about prince Charming and prince Harming next weekend. Today, I have something else on my mind, I want us to talk about something important such as the difference between real and counterfeit love Do you know the difference between real and counterfeit love?  Just like any counterfeit dollar...sometimes  it can be tricky to know and identify the real from the fake.  Sometimes, even experts can’t tell what is genuine and what is not... 

Because most fake stuff resembles the real thing in many ways... Sweet Love "I think I am falling in Love" remember ever saying that? I am sure you...I’ve been there too. No doubt we all agree that those are thrilling moments, especially if we sense a similar response from the other person...can be so amazing. But is it really love? How do you know whether what I just described is the beginning of the greatest relationship you will ever experience on earth or simply an episode of drama that will leave you confused and bitter... Ringing any bells? Good!
I mean love can be such a powerful drug. When you feel it, you really feel it. It can suspend time, making the whole world seem still except for you two. It feeds you more than any nourishment; you feel full in the presence of love.

Even your friends and family could be fooled... You may hear people say, “You two are just the perfect look so good together.  You are so lucky to have found each other!”  People will often give you the opinion you want to hear.  So you have to be aware of the red flags when you meet someone...  you must combine chemistry with hope, loneliness, and longing, to really see if the love is real or not.
What are the defining characteristics that can signal to you what is real and what is fake?  What are the warning signs that you need to pay attention to?  Especially that fake love fades away or evaporates quickly when the chemistry wears off.  But love endures, showing up in the actions and deeds of the two people..the question is, are you in love or in the lovers dreamland?  Let's find out!
Here are the signs of fake love:
Time tells it all
Fake love, is usually made up of chemistry only, this kind of love lasts anywhere from three weeks to a year and a half… and then disappears.  But real love does not involve any form of the chemical rush, but retains chemistry while it grows deeper and calmer.  The onset of both kinds of love is marked by obsession.  For a period of time, the two people in love cannot think about anything but the other one...they lose friends,  they may lose weight, lose sleep, and lose all concept of time.  For them, nothing else exists except the other person.  But when this chemical high wears off, the true picture of the person emerges...and they can't stand each other anymore...from talking over the phone 24/7 to once a month. 
Wrong Projection
Fake love is based primarily on physical intimacy and what two people assume about each other.  They are blind to problems,  they cannot see characteristics that may create disharmony in the future, they cannot imagine any imperfections in the other one... Idealized qualities, lives built on fantasy, and a perfect future together is all they can think about.  Each one insists that the other one is the greatest person they have ever met...  but the problem is, they haven’t really MET each other yet.  They are relating to their idealized version. But as soon as they get married...  the dust settles, the true person will stand before them.  Then they can see each other through a clear lens and decide if they are right for each other.  Love maybe blind, but marriage is an eye opener.
Fairy Tale Love
Counterfeit love feeds off of the stuff of fairy may be in a relationship with a women who wants Prince Charming to rescue her and carry her off to the perfect life...where you will have riches, happiness, and love in a land where nothing ever goes wrong...just laughter every single day. No fights or arguments!  And you maybe like prince charming in the story, who felt like a frog, gets kissed by the princess and feels handsome, brave, and dashing. If that describes you and your partner as soon as the chemicals wear off, you may discover that you like each other, in which case, real love can develop...Or the chemicals become toxic, the guy goes back to being a frog, and the princess might take off the crown. 
Rushed Future
When two people meet and fall into chemistry, they may even begin to plan their future together within weeks.  Their “real” selves are not talking to each other here*smile*it’s their counterfeit selves or representatives that can’t be trusted to make clear decisions. 
What does REAL love look like?  Fake love involves conflict, drama, and pain, once the chemistry wears off. Real love evolves into service, thought, care, and sincere emotions for the other.  Real love is shown in loving ACTS... over and over ...with no one keeping score.  Real love responds to the needs of the other, flowing effortlessly from one day to the next. You can also read more on real love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Real love happens when two people honor each other’s values, standards, and purpose.  They don’t just talk about it, however.  They live it.  They “do” love.
True love isn’t a Game. It doesn’t come around often and that’s how you will know it’s genuine.
There is a BIG difference between fake love and true love. True love knows the importance of Even twins don't spend every second together. Infatuation imagines love to be intense closeness, 24/7, all the time. Most people think that falling in love happens suddenly and intensely. Slow down before you declare "I feel like I have known her/him all my life.” because you barely know him/her grows, and growth takes time. It is impossible to know the real person after only a few dates. Early in a relationship, people put on their best behavior. Unpleasant traits are hidden and controlled. It takes months sometimes years to start seeing the real person hiding behind the representative. Love develops slowly... infatuation rapidly. With that said, take it easy and slow or you will regret it!
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