Saturday, September 24, 2016


Tick, tock, tick, tock. Have you ever been sleeping by a clock and listening to it ticking, thinking, "That's me! Time is running out - my biological clock is ticking"?
You see, I have noticed something that the devil is doing in a lot of people's lives is having them “so caught up” in "Why am I not in a relationship right now?" that they are missing the bigger picture---and more pertinent question: "Am I a healthy enough single to where I would even be ready to become someone's wife?" And the only really way “any of us” can come to that conclusion is if we're making the absolute most of our singleness:
So, everybody around you is getting engaged! Every day you log onto Facebook you find that YET another person is engaged! Although you're happy for them, deep down-- you're thinking umm…ANOTHER PERSON?! UGH! WHEN IS MY TIME?!??!. You go to church, pray, spend time with God, you're living right but HOW is it that all of your unsaved co-workers are now engaged… or all your friends are engaged, married.. having kids but you find yourself… still single. Some of your friends are on the forth marriage and you are still waiting for your ONE husband.  Well, you are still single because you are a woman of Purpose. God’s precious pearl.
So today, I just want to encourage you sis. I have felt how you've felt and I have been where you've been. First and foremost, you have got to stop comparing your life to another person. You've heard this before but I'm going to remind you that you're a Christian. You have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you. Do you know what that means to all of heaven??! You've been adopted, set apart, pulled aside, HIDDEN and PROTECTED under the care of CHRIST. Do you think He's going to just let you run off any marry some of anybody??! Anybody can get a ring honey. You can walk outside and pick a random up off the street and make him marry you. Proverbs 24:1 says: Be not envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them. So... that should clear up being jealous of a bunch of random unsaved people that are getting engaged. They don't belong to Christ which means that CHRIST has no say-so in their relationships! The WORST feeling in the world is for you to walk down the aisle to a man that you KNOW God didn't tell you to marry! Yes, God is always speaking. He's always with you. Are you listening? And this isn't the time to run and preach to them that they shouldn't be getting married if they aren't saved. Bashing them over the head with the bible once engaged won't make them run to Christ. Just smile, hug them and say congratulations while you pray for their salvation.

Each season in your life will develop to the next one. If you're worrying non-stop about getting married, you'll finally get married and then you'll worry about kids. "Everybody is having kids and you don't have any kids." Then, you'll finally get pregnant and then you'll compare yourself to all of the other pregnant women and worry about your entire pregnancy. Then, kids will finally come and then you will compare your kids to everybody else's child. Do you see how destructive this cycle is??! And remember, we're Christians. Jesus is so clear to us when He tells us..

Philippians 4:6-7
6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

So… are you allowing His peace to guard your mind during this season of your life? Or are you on a mad search to "find you a man?" I want to encourage you to get off of your dating sites as you "SEEK" a spouse and get on your face before God and "SEEK" Him. Don't let being single make you bitter sis. GET UP!  You shouldn't be in that waiting room waiting for him! Single life is NOT a waiting room for MARRIAGE. Marriage is ministry and if you were lazy with your walk with God while single when you get married, you'll get smacked in the face by the EFFORT that it takes to make a marriage GOOD & last. We wait for cars, we wait at the doctors, we wait for the train, we wait for appointments. And when the mechanic, our ride, the doctor or the train is LATE…we get frustrated! We look at our watch and we're like come ON!! If you don't know what train you're supposed to get on, you will hop on any train that comes because you're TIRED of waiting. Some of us have been on the wrong train for a while and we need to get off of it because it's PUSHING us further and further away from our destination. Some of us have been "dating" men that we WISH would marry us but we know deep down that that fool has zero standards and no relationship with God. He won't spend time with God, he won't pray, he would rather play with your body then study the bible, he is CLEARLY not husband material but you would rather in that moment forgo being SINGLE than to have to deal with being lonely again.

God is MUCH more concerned about your purpose than changing your last name. He knows that He needs to pair you with someone who is individually pursing Christ the same way that you are pursing Him. Hun, I want to encourage you to get back to the place of worship and begin to Trust God wholeheartedly. God NEVER forgets His promises.  You may not see how important it is because your clock is "ticking" but I want to remind you that Sarah got pregnant at 99. If you don't know who Sarah is-- read Genesis.

So remove the words "I'm waiting for my man" from your vocabulary and replace them with "I TRUST GOD'S TIMING concerning EVERY AREA." We must become desperate for Christ and stop being desperate for a relationship.

You didn't get a ring this engagement season because it's not your TIME.  So you cannot let those around you that are getting married DISTRACT you. Be content wherever He has you right now! Trust that if that DOOR was supposed to be opened, HE would have opened it.

You don't want to marry someone just to keep from being alone. There are a lot worse things than being single, and plenty of married people are desperately lonely. Marrying the wrong person won't solve the problem of loneliness; only God can do that.Being alone does not mean you have to be lonely. Don't be so desperate that you just marry anybody to keep from being alone. When we demand that God bring us a mate, we block His love from enhancing our social life. The anger that we harbor builds a wall between us and Him. If we are honest with ourselves, we realize that our demand for marriage is a refusal of God’s love because we want our selfish desires met. God will never stop loving us, but we ignore Him when we desperately seek a human being to make us happy. Furthermore, whatever we depend upon for our happiness will wind up controlling us. If we believe that we need a human spouse to be satisfied, then people, rather than God, will dictate our lives.

Marrying the wrong person just because you feel as though there's no more time left can still lead to a miserable future…There are times when people experience a "divine delay." In other words, there are still some things the Lord may want you to receive where you are right now, before you move on to another season. You may want to get married and have a family, and it feels as though time is short. Just remember, God knows the desires of your heart. He knows if you want children, and He can make a way for you, even when it seems as if there is no way.
ANYTHING YOU FEEL YOU NEED TO DEMAND FROM GOD IS SOMETHING YOU NEED TO TOTALLY SURRENDER TO GOD. God supplies all of our needs and he knows what we need before we ask (Philippians 4:19, Luke 11:11-13). If you “needed” a husband right now, there would be no “need “to demand one. God would “supply” him.
REST in His will and Timing.
Remember, it’s the kind of man he thinks is best for you not the one you think is best for you or the one you think your man should be.

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