Friday, September 30, 2016

How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

As always, I love my worship songs playing in the background while I am writing “Spirit of the living God” playing right now. And by the way, it’s by Vertical church band…Why do I do this while writing? I want these articles to be life changing, not just mare articles. So right now, if your heart is broken, I am singing over you. It is well. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)
I am a signs and wonders girl (Daniel 4:2-3) and I have seen too many divorces over the past few years so if you have ever been through a bad divorce or break-up. It’s time to get FREE. I mean free and FREE indeed. It’s time to mend your broken pieces. It’s time to resolve the past! Fully. A new relationship never brings healing. God is the one that brings healing. Get it? I hope so.
I am also a firm believer that some people are not in new relationships because they are still, emotionally, in their old one. Like Lot's wife (Genesis 19:26), they are "paralyzed" because there is something within their past that...needs to be addressed. Personally, I think that too many marriages are jacked up, even this moment, because most couples didn't...heal from their ex’s, forgiving and making peace with their past. I could be speaking to you right now. Most marriages or relationships are a result of either picking a partner out of brokenness or bitterness (which is like trying to make a wise decision when you are drunk), it just never works.
And as for real talk, if past relationships consisted of sexual compromise and disobedience (I Corinthians 6:16-20), I think more praying and fasting effort needs to be put into the process so that you can experience real healing. No matter how much the world lies about it… there's no such thing as "casual sex" I will say this again "Flee sexual immorality (I Corinthians 6:18)
I honestly think that's a big part of what my upcoming book is all about book was all about; “You are a Precious Pearl “it’s about time you discovered who you are and how God see’s you. You can also read another book by me “Traits of a Radiant Woman” Ladies it’s time to let your light shine.  
Virgins reading this, please stay not only “unpenetrated"...STAY PURE. Stay loyal to God.
Ok singles…time for big folks, the married couples. How in the world can you divorce proof your marriage? Ok, first of all, let me say this: God did not ordain divorce…marriage is a convent and covenants are not made to be broken. Fine, Moses permitted it. But God did not permit it. The WORD doesn’t say divorce is OK. So if you are married…stay married and embrace FORGIVENESS. No man is perfect there is ONLY one man who is perfect…and we all know him, Jesus.
Keeping your marriage alive can be easier said than done. No matter how much you love each other, every marriage requires a considerable amount of work from both parties. With divorce being on an all-time high, couples need all the help they can get. Discover our tips for investing in a long lasting marriage, and enjoy your happily ever after!
Be Intimate
Being intimate is one of the cornerstones of a marriage, no matter how old you get.

Intimacy can be quite easy in the beginning of a relationship, because everything feels quite new and exciting. However, many couples get into a routine after a while, making it seem a lot less interesting. In order to keep your intimacy alive, it is crucial to make your partner feel desirable. This does not only apply to women, but also to men, because they need the occasional compliment too.
Do not be afraid to tell your spouse they are looking good regularly and set aside time just for the two of you to be alone.
Respect Alone Time
When you are married to someone, you usually spend a lot of time together. What many people tend to forget is that each person needs some time to be themselves. Don’t lose your identity in the marriage, as this can actually cause your marriage to fail.

Do not be afraid of taking some time for yourself or let your partner have some time for him or herself every once in a while, it will only make your marriage stronger. Then you can reunite with experience to share.
Include your spouse in day to day routines
Some people are married for years and even though they see each other every day, they live more “next” to each other than “with” each other. What this means is that people live their own separate lives in their marriage and this can cause a serious rift between couples. Although it is healthy thing to have a bit of personal time, as we explained above, you will also need to include your spouse in your everyday life. Tell them about your day and ask for their advice on things that you need help with. Your partner will feel more appreciated and valued because you asked him or her for their input and view.
Don’t Cheat
This is a bit of a no brainer, but cheating will be the end of every marriage. It is true though, some people have dealt with a cheating spouse and are still married. However, trust will often be gone forever and you will never feel as comfortable again. Marriage is largely based on trust, and this trust cannot remain if one of the partners cheats. It makes the other person feel worthless and makes them wonder whether they are good enough. In short, cheating is the biggest no-no for every marriage, and this can be on an emotional or physical level. If you husband or wife has ever cheated on you, it’s time to move on! My eGuides “Overcoming Infidelity and getting unstuck” is a step by step eGuide that will help you to find healing after the hurt. There is still hope as well as happiness after infidelity.
Have an intentional relationship
The statement above might seem a little bit strange to you, but it is actually quite simple. When people get married, they often stop trying to impress their partner. Some married couples never go out on a date anymore and fall into this terribly boring routine. One important thing to remember is that your partner stays with you out of his or her own free will. Even though it may be difficult, they could leave if they think you are not contributing your half.
Avoid a boring and routine marriage by doing something unexpected and new. Do not do it too often though, because your partner will start to expect you to wait on them hand and foot, and this is not healthy either. Surprise your partner with a nice dinner, flowers or even the occasional compliment. It does not take a lot to tell your partner they look nice or handsome, and it does not have to cost you any money either!
Spend time together
The culprit of many broken marriages is a mismanagement of time. We live in a busy and energy absorbing society, so it is quite easy to forget about our partner. Spending time together is easier said than done, because our busy lifestyles ensure that we just have enough energy to cook our dinners when we get back from work.
If your marriage or relationship looks like it is in danger of breaking down, I would recommend you buy one of my “Mend it, Don’t end it” eGuide. This eguide teaches you  step by step how you can restore your relationship. Most of you are stuck because you are trying to sort out your “issues” from a place of disconnectedness, and of course just go around in circles. My eGuides will shows you how to reconnect first (park the problem) build up some Trust and Respect as well as some skills and then review the situation. But in order to purchase this eGuide you must commit to saving your marriage by signing the KRA 90 day agreement no exceptions this program is only for serious couples committed to creating lasting love.
Kay Rose, owner of Kay Rose Academy is a modern international relationship expert. If you want to prepare for marriage in advance … Don't know how to get started with changing your marriage…Can't talk to your spouse without arguing…if you and your spouse can't work together as a team! Are you letting other people come between your marriage!? If you or your spouse can't let go of past hurt! If you or your spouse have an inability to forgive!? If you have a lack of intimacy! Want to find your soul mate without losing your soul then Kay Rose Academy is for

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