Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Do You Love Yourself Enough To Be In Love?

It’s important to love yourself so that you know what you deserve. The truth is, if you love yourself, you will honor everything about you. And that will definitely lead to you having standards in every area of your life. But the minute you decide to settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
If we take a look at the world around us, we will be able to find a huge chunk of the population to be suffering from depression and failure. Then, there will another whole lot carrying an inferiority complex and unwilling to face people. You dig a little deeper and find another group with commitment issues who cannot function in relationships. And of course, there are those who go off the deep end when they are laid off from work or got dumped.  The root cause for many psychological disorders lies deep within the person itself. And one of the major reasons why is because these people have looked to others for love and appreciation and do not know how to love and accept themselves.
Depression often happens because people do not love themselves and have let a failure in some area of their life define the rest of their life. They put a lot of pressure on themselves and slowly, they begin to lose it. Learning to love and accept yourself is different from narcissism where you remain the king of the world. It is extremely important to love yourself regardless of the flaws you have. A person who loves himself is secure about his identity and won’t let external forces rattle him.
  • Self-care- This means that you treat yourself as kindly as you would treat anyone else. You don’t beat yourself about the past and instead, take care of yourself. You will not put yourself through anything which is uncomfortable for you. You will do everything in your power to make yourself feel loved and wanted.
  • Consider your needs- It is important to be thoughtful about the needs of other’s but you must consider your own needs as well. You need not adjust so much that you are not uncomfortable. If you feel like you need a break, take one by all means.
  • Accept yourself- You know what your flaws and short comings are, to accept yourself means to be sensitive about those flaws. You do not push yourself too hard or beat yourself about it, rather, you accept yourself just the way you are. Don’t continuously try to make changes. You are perfect just the way you are.
  • Only take the good parts- When you feel like people are criticising you too much, don’t let it affect you and bring you down. Take only the constructive criticism, rather, the good parts and simply leave out all the rest.
  • Learn to say ‘No’- Saying ‘No’ once in a while does not make you a selfish person. If you think you need time for yourself, you should be able to say no to their requests.
It doesn’t matter if you have frizzy hair, oily pimples, fat thighs, braces, a potbelly, you are perfect just the way you are. You need to start learning to love and accept yourself. After all, if you can’t love yourself, why would anyone else love you or take you seriously? Now let’s talk a little about “Signs You May Not Be Ready For a Relationship” There are so many reasons as to why we may not want to be alone or why we would like to be in a relationship right now, but there’s one important question that we need to ask ourselves before even considering this: Am I ready for one? It happens to everyone, we want someone to come home to, someone we can feel comfortable with; but isn’t that problem most of the time? That we aren’t even comfortable on our own? Listen to me: Don’t waste your singleness, trying to find a husband…find your purpose, not your pain of being single. If you are still wrapped up in lies about your self-worth or value, how can you trust the choice of anything healthy...including a husband? Many of you need to spend time learning the truth (who you are, what you were called to do, the kind of life the Lord wants you to live) before you join your life to someone else's reality. Step out of your comfort zone so that you can be prepared to receive the boundless abundance (John 10:10) that God has for your life. Just something to think about. Truthfully. Alright…let’s talk about signs that you may not be ready to be in a relationship and some tips that you may need to get there.

  • Your Body is Giving You Warning Signs
You finally got yourself a date with someone you’re really excited about, although they aren’t your normal type; he has that bad-boy-rugged-charm or she has that wild-crazy-party-girl demeanour and that’s definitely what you think you need right now. If your body’s warning bells aren’t ringing, despite the fact that you know in your heart of hearts that this person isn’t for you, then you may not be ready to be in a relationship. If they don’t look or act like the type of people who want to be committed, why go through the hassle in the first place? If you think that you’ll be able to change that bad boy into a respectable gentleman or that party girl into a housewife you need you need to think again (and again, and again). A deep, substantial relationship is not what you’ll find there.
  • You Are Never Happy Alone
Do you always feel like you need company? Do you not go out because you don’t have a significant other who can tag along with you? You should not spend time moping around the house, feeling hopeless that you’ll never find somebody. You should try to find your happiness alone so that you can share it with someone else. Going out and looking for a mate with that negative mind-set will probably end up with you sabotaging the relationship before it even begins.
  • You Aren’t Happy Being Yourself
Do you change or try to change who you are so that people will like you? That’s never a good sign. If you are constantly trying to change things about yourself so that people will find you more appealing (both on the inside and on the outside) then you are probably not ready to be in a relationship. You need to find that confidence and learn to love you for you before you can give it somebody else.
  • You Need Someone in Order to Feel Complete
When we hear lovers tell each other “you complete me”, it sounds romantic doesn’t it? But that’s not how a relationship should be, now is it? Your partner should complement you, what you already have and make you a better person. Starting a relationship as a complete person who has a multitude of things to give and offer someone else, will only make it more worthwhile when you find someone who can bring those amazing qualities to the forefront.
To read the rest buy the book on amazon” Keep Your Standards High and Date with Dignity” a must read. You will never be the same. Don’t hold on to a penny so so tight and fail to see a $100 bill right in front of you. Some of you hold on to bad relationships and fail to realize that you are also valuable. Holding on to something that is hurting you physically or emotionally is a sign of fear. Let go, and trust God.

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