Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Men: Say N0 to being an average man! RIGHT. NOW.

Men are visual... they fall in love through their eyes. Sometimes, I said, sometimes not always:-) guys can be shallow and superficial. Sorry, guys, but you know it’s the truth.
Women, on the other hand, we fall in love through their ears... we are more about packaging, we value a man’s personality and how he treats us... make us laugh we will be all over you. Yes, a man’s physical appearance is important to some ladies, but truth be told: Most women want more than looks. A nice looking man who is in good shape at least, dresses well and possesses all of the below characteristics is what women really want! Let's take a look at the 10 irresistible qualities of a man :
1. Kind and Caring
Women want a man who is kind and caring. They want someone who will be their best friend, a partner and an equal. Above all, they want someone who makes them feel good.
2. Brains, Brains, Brains
Intelligence is sexy and smart men simply captivate women. Whether it’s informing them about the newest restaurant opening or teaching them something they didn’t know, they like someone whom they can learn from...Women enjoy feeling enlightened.
3. Sense Of Humor
Being funny makes men more attractive to women. There’s no science to it; it’s just a fact. One hundred percent of women appreciate a man who is witty. If you can make a woman laugh, she will almost always think you are awesome...believe me on that! Just don't overdo it* wink*
4. Confidence
Women like men who are confident. When you are sure of yourself and your actions reflect it, women will be naturally drawn to you. Women are attracted to men who know they’re great.
5. Charisma
Charisma is defined as having swagger, whichever definition you prefer, all women love a charming man. When you have a big personality, women find you irresistible.True that!
6. Balance
Leading a balanced lifestyle is important. Women enjoy dating a man who can do it all. They want to date someone who can prioritize his job, family, friends and a relationship. They’re drawn to men who make time for them and who show them that they’re an essential part of their lives.
7. Good Listener
A man who is a good listener is a true catch. Because women are more emotional than men, they love to share. They can talk for hours. They have tons of stories to tell and they want you to listen to all of them. If you can listen to a woman, and I mean genuinely listen, pat yourself on the back.
8. Thoughtfulness
Thoughtful men are enticing for women. Being thoughtful, doesn’t mean whisking women away to South Africa on a shopping spree on the third date, either. Although they would certainly love that, it isn’t necessary! Rather, being thoughtful means showing women that you care. If your woman hints that she loves a certain restaurant, surprise her and plan a date there. If she says she loves a particular flower, bring her flowers on the next date. A man who’s considerate is very sexy.
9. Go With The Flow
Women want to date someone we can bring anywhere. If they are at a business dinner, they want to date a man who can go with the flow and be fancy... If I have to think twice about inviting you to a business dinner "smile" then we have a big problem. We want a man who can fit in where we go...smart enough to keep up with the lingo. In short, women enjoy dating men who can be comfortable in any situation.
10. Presentable
Being put together and looking presentable is essential. Women want to date men who are well dressed. A nice outfit can make men so much more attractive! Most women are a sucker for a man in a nice belt and shoes... if your shoes have a hint of barter system, you might want to invest in a good pair...even if it cost you more $$$ it's a great investment.  If you’re well dressed and put together, you’re showing the world that you value yourself and your appearance.
Ultimately, women want to fall in love. They want someone who makes them feel special and important.

A Wake up call to ALL Zambian young Men!
What will Zambia look like in the next ten years? That depends on you. That's right! Don't look over your shoulder to see who else is going to make the change. You are the leaders of tomorrow. But the question is, are you going to be innovators, or simply twitter followers? Strong, persistent, ambitious, problem solvers, or servants of the status quo?  How long does it take to learn how to dig our own wells of fresh water? It's time to graduate from 1st grade... we can't be in first grade forever!: -) It's time to say good-bye to handouts! The bible says, ASK and you shall receive... Matt 7:7 It's time to ask for a bigger vision. But don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon! Because we will continue living in the jail cell of poverty... Waiting for western countries to always rescue us.

Matt 13 is a clear picture of an ambitious man. Catch this! The birds ate some of his crop... BUT!!! He never left the garden to chase the birds. Say No to being average! And do whatever it takes to stay in the garden of improving yourself, adding value to yourself... to become that agent of change that God is looking for... It's true! Corruption and mismanagement of public funds, assets and resources is becoming the order of the day in Zambia...but you can be that person that says, "I will do whatever it takes to make myself better and create a new great platform for generations to come." Promise yourself that you will one day become that leader that is not self-centered and greed. But a leader who will fight so hard for that little girl(who could possibly be the first female president of Zambia) being raised by a poor single mother in Chawama compound who has no access to better education because her mother can't afford the high and outrageous private school fees...That you are going to be that leader that changes the life of that poor man living in Chipata compound who has a deadly disease, but cannot afford to fly to India or South Africa for medical treatment by making sure that our country has a better healthy system...That you can be that leader that will fight so hard for that UNZA graduate who has been walking the streets of Lusaka without a job for the last 5 years because getting a job is about "who you know" by creating job opportunities and ceasing to wait on some investor to do it for us...That you will fight for a level playing field for those small business wo/men who are failing to make it in the market place because they can't afford to bribe anyone in order to get any govt contracts.

Listen! I believe in you and You can do this! Remember, fear has kept many wanna-be leaders on the sidelines, while good opportunities pass them by... it's not that they don't lack insight... They just lack courage! The men and women who will change the direction of our nation are the ones who are fearless and understand that if God is backing you no one can defeat you!! Romans 8:31

It is time for a new generation of leaders to arise in Zambia and I am counting on you. Leaders who understand the real principles of stewardship, servant-hood and responsibility... who will recognize their role to create an environment in which those they lead can fulfill their destiny and potential... who are motivated by a passion to see those they lead do well rather than a means to personal benefit. Leaders and politicians with strong moral values... Remember, the Bible says... Righteousness exalts a nation Proverb 14:34

The Kay Rose Academy is committed to identifying, training and fostering the growth of the next generation of global leaders... but the question is, how bad do you want to be part of the next generation of leaders?
Comments/Advice/customized classes send an email to kayrose.academy@gmail.com

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