Friday, September 23, 2016

Spice up your Relationship with Text messages

Well, let me start with examples of text messages NOT to send to your beloved, and some of these message can almost cause your partner to reach for that delete button:

Nagging- “Did you cut the grass, or did you FORGET AGAIN?” or “I am shocked and disappointed that you didn’t pick me up on time”
Not everything is worth texting- “I am now eating breakfast” or “I just finished combing my hair”
Annoying- I can’t take this from you anymore, where are you? Are getting my text messages or what?!

Can you imagine having a long day at work and then checking your phone only to see such a message pop up? Listen ladies angry text messages/phone calls always drive men away, before you know it he will start avoiding your messages and eventually you. Remember, it’s a text not an essay. Keep your text messages short, interesting and fun. Never ever argue over text…if you really want to talk about something, save it for a face to face conversation. Negative feelings are always a sign you need to put your phone down…wait until you are feeling excited and happy to send that text. Text like a lady (a lady is always well mannered and graceful)…if you want to keep him interested, be interesting. Speak life into his life if you want him to continue craving your uplifting presence. No one is interested in receiving angry messages. Creative text exchanges are fun, effective, and a breath of fresh air for many relationships. Make your messages have an “awww” effect. Texting the right messages can take your relationship to the next level. Text messages have the ability to can build intimacy and reconnect couple who have lost that spark or simply drifting apart.

It’s important to know that relationships rules have changed with the digital world. So I am glad you reading this book especially if you want to give your love life a serious boost. See, when you are single, every little text from your beloved puts a smile on your face. Then suddenly, when you get into a serious relationship, messages like “Good morning” or "How is it going" lose their impact receiving the same messages every single day them…they become super boring. Take time to write an interesting messages that will get closer to your partner and create a strong bond. I am sure you can agree with me on that. It’s time to spice up your relationship or marriage with creative texts messages and add some excitement to your relationship. No matter how long you have been together or how long you have been married, texting the right messages at the right time can change your relationship no matter how cold it has gotten. It shows your beloved how important they are to you.

So the question is…what is that secret sauce that keeps missing in most long-term relationship/marriage? Are you tired of sending the same generic messages over and over? Need fresh ideas? Wondering how to keep the passion burning strong in your relationship or marriage? Look no further…this book will teach you how to come up with fresh texting ideas to avoid aimless texting. Truth be told: No college course will teach you how to use text to keep your love connection strong. These days most relationships lack romance…I guess it’s slowly drying up in the society we live in today. But that doesn’t mean that you should embrace that new trend…it’s time to bring back that romance in your relationship or marriage every day,  not just on Valentine’s Day. Make your partner feel wonderful, beautiful and cherished every single day. But please don’t text like a car sales man…be genuine and thoughtful in your messages. You can turn that boring dead relationship into something so beautiful. But the trick is in finding the perfect words to send to your partner. Wondering how you can make that happen? Relax! I have written over 400 text messages examples for you to choose from. These text messages will help you to keep that spark alive in your relationship instead of fading away. It’s very important to nature a relationship. So how can you come up with an interesting text than: “What’s up” One word: Creativity. Well, here some examples:

“Honey, I was just thinking about how the red dress you wore to church on Sunday really brought out your curves. I can’t seem to get that image out of my mind my wife. You are the best”

“Hubby, I am listening to a song on the radio right now that made me think of you… and guess what? You look so amazing in that blue tie you are wearing today. I can’t seem to get that image out of my mind.”

“I can’t get over your magical voice! I keep falling in love with you ever single day…hope you are having a great day.”

“Where are you hubby, the bed is calling…waiting for some sweet good night kisses from you. It’s hard to sleep when you are not in bed with me”

 Showing the love and the devotion that you have for your lover will prevent you from going apart. Texting love messages will keep all channels of communication open. Lack of communication has been known to break couples apart. Sending love messages is one way of having a strong and healthy love life, which will be long-lasting. The list of romantic messages in this book will you and your partner bond in a very special way. Men tend to lose interest in their significant female partners after a certain point of time. Not all women are lucky enough to get a very dedicated partner who will always look out for her. So, the task of keeping your male friend interested in you over a long period of time is a tricky. Sending a message to your lover will give him the feeling that he is valuable to you. Single or married, text messages are the ultimate modern day communication tool for maximizing your relationship success. Sending stellar messages to your crush sets you apart from everyone else on the dating scene. It makes you unique. It makes you captivating. It makes them want you.
It is a hard road for you if you do not know the nuances of the game of keeping a relationship interesting and I hope this book will give you all the information you need to get started.

Big No No to Avoid- Sexting

Sexting is really big in the texting world.  Sending photos of yourself can be very hot. But sending naked pictures of yourself is never hot especially if you want to keep a man interested and also have his respect, do not engage in sexting.  Do not send pictures of any of your body parts.  Do not respond if he sends you any pictures of his.  If he wants to engage in “sexy” texting conversations, disengage completely.

Nothing is private in the electronic age.  One text message of your boobs to a dude can easily circulate all over the internet.  Don’t do this to yourself.  Also, keep in mind that guys do show text messages to other guys. Think of it this way: If you wouldn’t send the text to your boss, then it is best not to send it to the guy you’re trying to get to know via text.

BE PATIENT!!!!!!!! It’s important to be patient during any text conversation. Some women/men assume that if they have time to send a text, then the other person on the other side also has time to respond immediately. Ten minutes after they press the send button (or sometimes, even 3 minutes),
they send a follow-up message: “Why haven’t you respond to my text??” This is a BIG mistake.
Be patient. He or she will text you back when he has time, and if he/she doesn’t ever text back, then maybe he’s not worth your time. Never chase guys, if he wants to be with you he will do whatever it takes to be with you. To learn how to send well-executed text messages get take your relationship to another level simply…google “Kay Rose Nachilima” or search for my books directly on

This article is taken from my book entitled “Spice up your Relationship with Texting …

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